Creationist Discovers 60 million Year Old Fish Fossils - Insists that they date to Noah's Flood 4500 years ago

by OrphanCrow 11 Replies latest social current

  • OrphanCrow

    It is astounding that someone like this creationist can have no appreciation for the scientific significance of his discovery. Even in the face of evidence to the contrary, those who chose to believe rather than know will never forsake their ignorance.

    Alberta Creationist discovers rare fish fossils in basement dig (full article and video)

    "An Alberta man who discovered a school of rare fossilized fish while digging up a Calgary basement believes the world was created by God a few thousand years ago.

    It's for that reason Edgar Nernberg doesn't think the fossils could possibly be as old as paleontologists are estimating.

    "I subscribe to the creationist position, and I believe they were laid down in Noah's flood, about 4,500 years ago. But we agree to disagree."

    Edgar Nernberg

    Creationist Edgar Nernberg believes the fossilized fish he found died around 4,500 years ago, when Noah built his ark and God flooded the Earth.

    He's referring to Darla Zelenitsky, the University of Calgary paleontologist who was brought in to examine the five ancient fish.

    She says they likely swam in waters about 60 million years ago, which is the age of the Paskapoo Formation, a sheet of rock that lies under the city.

    "I would give it a 10 out of 10 for significance," said Zelenitsky.

    "There's not very many complete fossils known in rocks of this age in Alberta," she said about the fish, which are each about the size of a wallet."

  • Finkelstein
  • LisaRose
    I read about this in the Washington Post. What was interesting is that this was not pure chance, he has an interest in fossils and knew they were significant when he found them. It's amazing that he knows something about them, but refuses to see what their existence proves. It's hard to know what to think about someone who shows such willful ignorance.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Prehistoric skull with puncture wound could be world's first murder

    mystery and it wasn't the murder of Abel by Cain, they figure it to

    be around 430000 years ago. News this morning on the news. year-old-mystery

  • R. Jerome Harris
    R. Jerome Harris

    Noah's Flood! Noah did not flood anything, God did.

    When I read at Genesis 1:2, I read that at the beginning of the creation of the earth, its surface was all water. So how can Noah's flood be accountable for all of the water on the earth?

    God had not yet confused mankind's language so there was no one dispersed through out the earth to flood out.

    The area in which Noah and his family lived as all of "the world" that there was. It was that small area that was flooded out.

    There is no way Noah could have traversed a planet the size of the earth to gather animals. Obviously, Noah gathered animals within the area in which he lived. That was his world.

    Aquatic life existed billions of years before man came on the scene. I think it is foolish to put dates on things like this because men cannot be trusted and are - sadly - LIARS and scam artist who will sell their mothers for money or fame. For everyone make such a claim, you can find another scientist making a counter claim. They fight and bicker all the time. Egos get in the way. So who is to be believed?

    I resent the one-sided European-conceived universe explanation of everything in the world. There are other races among the human family who has not been permitted to have have input. They have been historically shut out and one race among the human family is doing all of the telling.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    I think it is foolish to put dates on things like this because men cannot be trusted and are - sadly - LIARS and scam artist who will sell their mothers for money or fame. For everyone make such a claim, you can find another scientist making a counter claim.

    The beauty of scientific research is that the data is reported, and is tested by other scientist. It is standard scientific method to date with carbon 14 to get an accurate date, in addition to other methods.

  • cappytan
    Adjusted knowledge: but carbon 14 dating can't be trusted with dates before the flood because the expanse would have shielded radiation. (Actual response someone gave me when I was discussing carbon 14 dating with them. )
  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge
    I worked with a manager that was a devout Baptist. He gave a similar response to carbon 14. He also didn't believe in dinosaurs. He claims all fossil records were manufactured and a conspiracy (lies). I didn't bother arguing with him. I was once like him, but then again I was a 15 year old JW at the time.
  • hoser

    I was listening to the news on cbc radio yesterday when this story came on. One of the announcers quipped if the fossils were from the flood why did the fish die? Don't fish thrive in water?

    This was the running joke on the air for most of the morning

  • punkofnice
    Doesn't this illustrate the power of 'confirmation bias' and/or delusion?

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