by hawkaw 19 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    The lawyer, Mr Calvert, wrote back in reply as seen below. And we 
    are asking him to visit the board here and feel free to comment if time 
    and inclination permit. The publicity from all this could, if handled 
    right, win his firm a lot of money. What he wrote is so obviously of 
    enormously compelling interest to our community of exJWs, JWs and Friends, 
    but also the major Media and public in general, that we are posting that 
    reply which he so freely gave us right here for all to see as well as this 
    So to begin, greetings and the best to you, Mr Calvert, although you certainly
    did surprised us, with that short but quick reply, sir. We say surprised 
    because despite the tone of what was written, you actually wrote back that 
    Free Christians are not to be "trying to threaten" when for one thing, if 
    in fact, if you will but re-read the material, you will find the tone and 
    content are intended anything but that way. If you do re-read it and still 
    disagree about that then please let us know here. A convenient copy of what was emailed 
    you for is in the thread here farther below. 
    It was also surprising to us when you said be sure accurate info is disseminated 
    since that is an obvious given, and all that anyone would ever have to disseminate. 
    At that, as you will also notice by reading the thread here, your own words with
    you own views or information were already in put into print by some other 
    person and appear to have already fully corresponded with your email to ourselves too.
    Thus, it may be you had not yet read this thread so have had a misunderstanding.
    Further to show you that every effort has been made to be of nothing but good
    will, note that after your final actions are known as to if you will or will 
    not continue with the case, thus fully representing L Hughes or not for the full 
    course will by any number of alternative sources become fully known quickly 
    via the internet - not at all just the Free Christians News newsletter. No, we 
    ourselves need not even say a word and yet your own sense of logic says everyone 
    from Calgary to Timbuktu will know about it. So be totally relaxed insofar as 
    ourselves, although it is obviously also true, isn't it, that we can not predict 
    what others will be saying. So please do re-read what was actually written rather than
    possibly jumping to conclusions, and in so doing look at actual content rather than
    seeking after "sub-surface" suppostions that you might image are not of good will.
    We point out and intended to point out, although it may be a bitter-seeming pill
    once informed by any number of various sources, readers will themselves naturally 
    determine if or not your decision(s) about this case directly affect in a positive 
    or negative fashion whether or L Hughes' daughter and other children get to live. 
    Due to such interest people from Calvary to Timbuktu will be making up their own minds. 
    At most we ourselves would need only to provide your very own words. Not to sound
    unkind at all, just to point out the obvious even while wishing You the best. 
    And as clearly said, please do re-read all of what was actually written to you), 
    without seeking to draw inferences that may be inaccurate. We truly do only hope 
    that readers will be forming positive opinions of the reliability of your business 
    reliability, bragging about how you and your firm are great defenders of the oppressed, 
    true proponents of all that is good, how you care more about setting positive precedent 
    than in getting raw cash, which is the all too common stereotype of attorneys, would you 
    and yours not agree? Surely the Queen's Court would also see this as good.
    Now, it is true, Mr Calvert, Your company may be out $72,000 of the $80,000 billed to 
    L Hughes, but the publicity on this thing is worth $1 million. But think of 
    it like this. Now, You are surely aware of Dateline NBC, CNN and other networks 
    publicising the pedophile situation regarding the Watchtower Society over 
    Jehovah's Witnesses. Inevitably lawyer Jeffrey Anderson has been and will continue 
    to be mentioned by such media as the preeminant attorney for defending such victims, 
    and this positive press publicity is indeed of significant value. Do not
    you yourself and your colleagues agree? Ask them. Keep them, all of them, fully 
    informed! And think about this. In just a few month's of work you have billed L Hughes
    $80,000 but he has in that same period of time come up with $8,000, i.e. 10%. At
    that rate You would get the other $72,000 back within just a few years. Being in the U.S. 
    True, I don't know about Canada, but here there pro-bono work can be written off as a tax 
    deduction. Even from the monetary view, sticking with L Hughes is logical, and I wonder 
    these positive points have been gone over by you with all of your associates there at the firm.
    If they but knew some of these considerations, the degree of publicity attending to this case,
    why, I would be amazed if they did not also encourage you to reconsider!
    We sincerely hope, Mr Calvert, that this lengthy reply is coming across to you and indeed all 
    readers as trying to be not in the least bit "threatening" but actually nothing but 
    realistic, reasonable and courteous, if a little pointed. 
    Yes, the media exposure You folks are going to get is worth a million dollars or
    even more. You did notice, didn't you, that the original email commended you and 
    your business for helping L Hughes 95% of the way which is an "A" (=excellent) 
    rating in the U.S.? Surely that was kind of us to point out. If you feel to the 
    contrary, why not correct it here at once. No doubt your schedule is hectic at 
    times and so there may be a little tendency on a Friday evening to gloss over what 
    was actually written, quickly interpret or even misinterpreted it, and then 
    rush off an email that seems somewhat more defensive than need be. Sometimes 
    misperceptions can also be from poor communications due to rushing the process.
    If you or those with whom you practice prefer not to respond, that's okay too. 
    As said, we all realize you are busy along with those colleagues helping those in 
    need, paying your and their bills etc. Too, even if you don't respond, well, others 
    surely will, and if not now then later. The Free Christians community will be watching 
    the news about this incredibly important, precedent-setting case most keenly even as 
    will people across Canada now and into the distant future. We want all your law 
    firm partners to know that; so please let them know and in fact see this letter. 
    In the end, we trust in God, regardless of views about matters of faith, knowing that however He decrees, this 
    matter too will work out so that what is right, honorable and true shall be done, 
    the children who are being molested and bled to death protected. Peace and best
    wishes to You all.
    Subject: Re: READ NOW: Hughes Legal Case I suggest that you be accurate if you are going to widely 
    disseminate information. Mr. H. has never asked me to nor 
    retained me to represent him on this aspect of the case and 
    this was determined in February and has remained the same 
    since then. The Crown is conducting this trial and Mr. 
    Hughs determined that he would rely on that. For your info 
    we have carried over $180,000 in time and given angood deal 
    more free time and over 4 months of time to the substantial 
    exclusion of other clients. There are reasons why certain 
    decisions are made and proceedures followed that are privileged
    to Mr. H and me However I have never abandoned him and still 
    have a godd deal of work to do for him both before the Queen's 
    Bench and the Court of Appeal and potentially elsewhere depending 
    on various applications that are outstanding. Trying to threaten 
    me to do something that is between my client and me is inappropriate 
    and your position inaccurate and unfair 
  • AngryXJW

    Bumping this thread from page 5.

    Want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to see "all the good work" the "Jah/Free Christians" are doing on behalf of this DB.

    Editing to copy NP's copy of email reply just in case it disappears.

    Subject: Hughes Legal Case
    Re: READ NOW

    I suggest that you be accurate if you are going to widely disseminate information. Mr. H. has never asked me to nor retained me to represent him on this aspect of the case and this was determined in February and has remained the same since then.

    The Crown is conducting this trial and Mr. Hughs determined that he would rely on that.

    For your info we have carried over $180,000 in time and given a good deal more free time and over 4 months of time to the substantial exclusion of other clients.

    There are reasons why certain decisions are made and proceedures followed that are privileged to Mr. H and me.

    However I have never abandoned him and still have a godd deal of work to do for him both before the Queen's Bench and the Court of Appeal and potentially elsewhere depending on various applications that are outstanding.

    Trying to threaten me to do something that is between my client and me is inappropriate and your position inaccurate and unfair.


    I wonder if that last sentence was really the "last sentence"?

    Edited by - AngryXJW on 15 June 2002 11:8:0

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "nancee park/troy brown/anewperson" seems to lack the common sense to keep their nose out of things they know nothing about.

    By trying to engage Mr. Hughes' attorney in an argument about how he understood the meaning of the "FreeChristians" letter, "nancee park/troy brown/anewperson" is occupying time that might better be spent on the case and IS ADDING TO MR. HUGHES' LEGAL EXPENSES! Everything an attorney does relating to a case gets charged to the case.

    If "nancee park/troy brown/anewperson" wants to REALLY be helpful, stop the email campaign, shut up, and send some money. If your "Free Christians" newsletter has any legitimacy and is not just an ego-stroking exercise, get your readers to stop merely "watching" the case and send money.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 15 June 2002 11:21:23

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 15 June 2002 11:26:45

  • Angharad

    I agree 100% Nathan

    The guy is obviously being as helpful as he can be and putting himself out. Telling him that he is not doing enough is out of order.

    If people want to help, send some money or raise publicity.

    Perhaps this is the way the WTS wins so many of the legal victories they often quote ... just keep the cheque-book open until the other side runs out.

  • Simon

    BTW: I posted that, not Angharad

  • Scully

    Thank you, Nathan.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. And believe me, I've had plenty to say about the way 'anewperson' aka 'nancee park' aka 'troy brown' aka 'JahChristian' has behaved regarding this case.

    Threatening Shunned Dad's lawyer with negative publicity isn't helping matters one iota.

    Troy, if you're a REAL Christian, try contributing money to the trust fund instead of adding to LH's legal expenses. Otherwise, you come across as an ignorant fool with nothing better to do than poke your nose into other people's business. It's time to put your money where your big mouth is.

    Love, Scully

  • outnfree

    I mentioned this on the other thread, but could those of us who can afford it ($5- $10 - $20) write to Mr. Calvert and pledge monthly payment to his law firm until the debt is retired?

    BTW, I am dismayed at NanceePark's ill-advised communication. Makes us all look like lunatics.

  • COMF
    If the Crown is fumbling the ball, Lawrence's lawyer should be in their picking up the pieces and representing him at trial.

    On what grounds is it his responsibility to do so?

    we are fully informed via internet posting
    God save us...
  • outnfree

    Putting my money where my mouth is:

    Rxxxxxxxxx, MI USA


    14 June 2002

    Mr. Robert Calvert, Q.C., Partner

    McCarthy Tetrault LLP

    Suite 3300, 421-7th Avenue SW Calgary

    Alberta T2P 4K9

    Fax: 403 260-3501

    In re: Case filed Number 29174
    B.H., et al.
    The Director of Child Welfare for the Province of Alberta, et al.
    (Alta.) (Civil) (By Leave)

    Dear Mr. Calvert:

    I would like to thank you for your efforts thus far with this case. I hope that your advice to Mr. Hughes will help him and Alberta Child Welfare succeed in preserving BHs life with a Supreme Court decision FOR the defendant. It would be even more wonderful, given how the Crown has changed its game plan, if you could personally be there to represent Mr. Hughes. I will leave that up to your conscience.

    I would like to help pay for some of the expenses incurred by Lawrence Hughes with your law firm. I would be able to pledge $25.00 U.S. to reduce that debt. I consider it a privilege to be able to help in some way with giving BH the best possible chance at a long and healthy life and to support her fathers right and even obligation to do so, too.

    The Watchtower Society is just so wrong in allowing members, the vast majority of whom cannot understand their convoluted partial ban on blood, to die for lack of blood, all the while thinking it is Gods will that they should do so.

    Please let me know by return facsimile at xxx-xxx-xxxx or by e-mail at [email protected] how I should reference future payments to your firm, which I should like to begin in the month of July.

    Sincerely yours,

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Hold it. Troy didn't "try to threaten" as Calvert claimed or "threaten" as you put it, either. He said Calvert's not helping at the end here threatens the life of Lawrence's daughter and other kids. That's absolutely true so I support Troy.

    At least he told it like it is, and was a gentleman about it. You read it over. He complimented Calvert for the help he had given. What is true is that Calvert is highly defensive, so jumpy and scared to death that it'll come back to haunt him, and Troy truthfully pointed that out but before he did Hawkaw on the other string was saying much the same thing. Go read that string if anyone doubts it.

    If the man ever did lose public and peer favor Troy would not be to blame but the man who made his own decision. I also wonder if his partners in the firm were consulted since they are losing a lot of good publicity that had come to them worth more than the as yet unpaid $72,000.

    As to contributing, Troy has run the Shunned Father donations request please time and again. He also suggested to Lawrence that Lawrence ask Randy and Simon to run it time and again on Randy's site and the one you're reading here of Simon's. And you did, didn't you Simon. It was a good idea that has worked. Don't say Free Christians don't go to bat for somebody when we care about them and the kids.

    We also exposed the pedophile thing going back to 1998 when you folks didn't even believe it was going on. So don't tell us we don't battle for what's right because we do. If either you or Calvert want someone to kick at, go kick at the Watchtower who cause people to bleed to death and allow child rapes.

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