JWD is officially an Apostate site!

by Elders_Kid 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Windchaser

    Mr. Glick is a clown! Clowns never made me laugh.

    An apostate is someone who has known God and turns his back on him. The way I look at it, jws are the biggest apostates going. They knew God and put a slant on him so much, that they let little kids get molested right in their khs. They changed Jesus' word "free" to "mind-control". They take the meek and kick them out, kill them.

    I hope that, if I ever wanted to go to Mr. G's site, he would deny me, too. He's doing us a favor.

    Edited by - Windchaser on 15 June 2002 10:51:0

  • crawdad2

    hey wind, .......did you read sabine's post about the suicide hanging at the kingom hall?......on the jw news and events board......... omg!!!!

  • 2SYN

    Hmm, I was wondering why the admin of a Dub site would be called "DANG", but now it makes sense. It's actually a very innocuous name...

  • RR
    Another thing that bothers me, how does Mr Glick get off calling himself DANG?

    That's simple enough DANiel Glick DAN G DANG

  • terafera

    hey..what im wondering is...if there are aposto's at pln, how do they let each other know? someone email me.

  • Nicolas

    They even ask you from which congregation you are when you want to register on the PLN forum. They are really paranoid.

  • Sentinel

    I'd much rather be a living breathing apostate, with the freedom to think and decide for myself, than to be a JW ORG BORG, existing like a robot.

    I really don't undermind anyone's freedom to have the religion of their choice. But, I will hastily and wholeheartedly help someone who's riding the fence of indecision, or someone who is out and who is struggling to survive the borg. And I will happily and joyfully share all my positive words and sources of encouragement.

    My mother will not accept that I am happy now, and that really grates on me. I can't make her accept that fact. Apparently it gives her some sort of power over me, to speak freely her own happiness and joy of the meetings, the service, her friends, her assemblies. But, just let me mention one good thing that's happening in my life, and her first response is that god is being lenient now on the non-believers, and we are being allowed this final moment of blind joy before we are destroyed.

    When I was as young as 15 and began to question certain aspects of the scriptures and how people were being treated, etc., she said that I was next thing to an apostate. It scarred me to death then, because I thought I'd die at armegeddon. Now, it doesn't bother me at all. I believe JW's use the term very loosely to frighten members into total subjection.

    "The Truth Is Out There"


  • Panda

    Dang Glickand his associates are not so interesting as you might imagine. Believe me you'd find as much interesting stuff at the back of the KH or the halls of an assembly. I'm on there so their search for apostates is not quite the thorough job they (he) thinks. BTW I of course don't use my own name, and my references and cohorts are those who wish they could leave without losing their families. Oh well. Again you aren't missing a thing.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Avenger,

    Don't worry about the monitors, just be glad they're getting a thorough witness!!

    Cheers, Ozzie (of the tieless class)

    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • 2SYN

    TeraFera, here is the code that Apostates use to communicate on PLN:

    FDS: Indicates to the listener that they must bring the drinks at the next Apostofest.

    Organization: Tells the listener that the sender wants to flirt with them in JWD chat

    Governing Body: Tells the listener that the sender wants to cover them in body chocolate and whipped cream.

    Bethel: Tells the listener that the sender wants to lick the above substances off VERY slowly.

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