The JOYS of being an EX-JW

by nicolaou 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nicolaou

    Add to the list and let's see the weekend out on a positive note!

    1. Sunday mornings. Alarm not set, cuddles with the Mrs, tunes in the bedroom, coffee, bacon, another lazy coffee in the garden . . BLISS!

    2. My wardrobe. Full of clothes I want to wear!

    3. My kids. Knowing they're future is full of choices they can make.

    4. No midweek dread on meeting night.

    5. Field service. Oh do I need to explain that one!

    Over to you guys

  • SafeAtHome

    Going to an Indians baseball game and being able to go to my seat anytime I want instead of waiting until after the National Anthem is sung. And then singing along to God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch! Go Tribe! Go Cavs!

    And oh yeah...not a dress or skirt to be found in my closet!

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2

    Not having to sit through boring assemblies

    Not having to do talks

    Having house to myself when husband at meetings and assemblies

    Celebrating xmas and birthdays (though secretly) with my children

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    As you say, no wearing clothes i don't like, such as pantyhose;

    Never being criticized as i was constantly by jw - You're not looking happy, Jehovah's people are happy. You look too happy - worship of Jehovah is a serious, sober and respectful time. You are not dressing respectfully with that denim skirt. You don't want to make a show of your means of life with those new clothes! Watch out and associate with spiritually strong people in the congregation, not the fringes! Widen out in your association and be hospitable - do you ever invite people to your house? Do you always drink wine with dinner? Don't judge people who always have wine with dinner, Jehovah says it's okay to drink moderately. Why do you leave the meeting so soon afterwards - please leave the kh because people are trying to clean - why didn't you call if you were sick - don't call the friends if you only have a cold, the helping is just for emergencies and we shouldn't take the friends' time away from service - If you're tired stay home - Don't stay home just because you're tired, we're all tired - BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!

    Never having to attend, bring money and food for hundreds of bogus occasions every year, getting food poisoning from food cooked by careless or incapable cooks.

    Never highlighting a WT article and trying to "find" an answer.

    Never having to listen to some so-called spiritually strong sister bitching about how offended she is at some other so-called spiritually strong sister and then being expected to defend the "truth" while attempting to "encourage" the offended party.

    Never having to listen to the stupid conversations in the car out in "service."

    Never having to risk death in a car owned by a person who drives like an idiot.

    It's good to remember that life, makes housework seem like a dream!


  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2

    Raising a glass to say cheers to someone. I recently did this when at a funeral with my relatives. I still felt awkward though as my jw sister was there!

    Skirts; I don't think I've worn one since I stopped going to meetings.

    No more teatowells on head lol.

    Never having to stand holding magazines by a literature cart, looking embarrassed.

    Wishing happy Xmas back to someone instead of mumbling thanks.

  • brandnew


    not in a suit and tie ....

  • DarioKehl
    Cold beer & porn on a Sunday morning. Back to bed/sleeping in more. Bacon & coffee, of course. Ringer DEFINITELY off and some glorious sex, violence & profanity as I enjoy Game of Thrones tonight. Guilt free.
  • millie210


    You lived my life! LOL

    My joy today in being an Ex JW is to sit here on a Sunday morning reading about all of your joys, coffee in hand, instead of sitting at a meeting.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    Reading what I want and not what is expected of me.
  • clarity

    Having time all spread out before me mtg Tue nite, Thur nite Sun morning, service Wed & Fri. No funerals to 'support', no driving some poor shmuck around because their car is worn out. No babysitting so mothers can get out in serve-us! No making meals for the CO. No cleaning the hall on Saturdays or ASSembly hall along with landscaping!

    Geez ........where were OUR LIVES in all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh ya ........the no pants for sisters thing. Now jeans pretty much 7 days a week!

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