I'm leavin', on a jet plane....

by safe4kids 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Well, okay, it's actually an old Ford Aerostar But I'm heading off on vacation today with my kids and two of my nephews. Won't be back until Sunday or so.

    BTW, all of the rumors that are flying around about me and another poster on this board are completely unfounded. I am not now, nor will I be, in a relationship with anyone from this forum. For those of you who have emailed me, thank you for your concern, I do appreciate those who are looking out for my best interests. However, I caution you not to accept everything you're told at face value. Remember, if there is no proof, then it is only hearsay and haven't we all had enough of gossip and judgementalism to last a lifetime? The current rumors that some of you have emailed me about are a perfect example: there is NO validity to them, no basis in fact WHATSOEVER, and yet who knows how many people have heard them and now believe them to be true? Apparently, someone got partial facts, made some erroneous conclusions, and has now shared them with others and so the rumors grow...interesting how that works.

    Oh well, I can't be bothered with it because I'm off to enjoy a week with my children and my nephews Yay for me! Hope you all behave yourselves while I'm gone. Have fun!


  • Naeblis

    I for one am also outraged. We are just friends people. FRIENDS!

  • Angharad

    Good for you Dana.

    Have a fantastic holiday

    Edited by - angharad on 11 June 2002 9:33:35

  • Prisca

    Have a great holiday Safe4.

    As to these rumours, I have no idea what you are talking about, but if you'd like something interesting to be started, just let me know who you'd like to be linked with, and leave it all to me!

    Just kidding, have a safe and happy holiday!!

  • SixofNine

    I'm counting the minutes till you (and those damn children) arrive, my sweet. Be careful on the road; I want my tasty muffin to be in one piece when it arrives, sugabuga.

  • peaceloveharmony

    dana, have fun :) i will miss you.

  • safe4kids

    LOLOL at all you silly buggers!

    Naebs, I'm overwhelmed! I think this is the first time you've posted to one of my threads...gee, I'm honored

    (((((Angharad)))) thanks for the vacation well wishes...think I'll survive the week with 4 kids with my sanity intact?!

    Prisca, thanks Hmmm, any poster I want, hey? I'll have to give it some thought

    Sixy, I'm ROFLMAO here

    (((((Harmony))))) awwwww, I'll miss you too sweetie


  • MrMoe


    Safe dearest, how could you do this to me? I confessed my love to you...

    Have fun sweetie!




  • 68storm

    Way to go Dana! I am sure it's going to be a great vacation. Don't worry about the old FORD. Remenber, Ford stands for: "First On Race Day" and not what Chevy owners claim.


  • rekless

    gee, it's not mee.

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