I'm a shallow athiest!

by Marilyn 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    Our cat was hit by a car tonight. I've been so afraid of this happening. I saw it happen, and I heard the thud. He ran off into the nite. We, my son and my daughter and I spent 2 hours looking for him. I was quite beside myself. We all were. I can't believe what I did next. I prayed that I would find him. Yep, I the athiest prayed. Good huh? Well I don't suppose it matters. I didn't hurt anyone and who cares if I'm a hypocrite? We are all hypocrites when it suits us. I'm very tired - but the good news is that I found the cat. Go figure!

    He's spending the nite in hospital (animal). He was in much better shape than I was expecting. Fingers crossed that he will be ok. I am not up to a repeat performance.

    Goodnight all. I'm going inseach of drug induced sleep.


  • Naeblis

    So are yousaying there are no atheists in veteranary hospitals?

  • SpiceItUp

    Glad to hear he is OK.

    I think I would pray too if it was my cat (why he's not allowed outside).

    Besides maybe animals have a different god.

    Hey just a thought!


  • Cassiline


    Sorry to hear of your cat being hit by a car. Is it the cat you have pictured? If so he/she is so gorgeous!

    I know I would have been praying for the safe return of my animal no matter what my beliefs were!!

    Shallow Atheist, that made me smile.

    Hoping that you and your cat are in good sprits and health!!

  • dobby

    Sorry about your cat Marilyn.

    I think your prayer just shows how much you love your cat, you would try everything to save him. It's just maternal instinct.

    I hope he is going to be o.k..

  • Prisca

    Praise Jah that he was found!! lol.....

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Marilyn,

    I can appreciate what you were going through. I too am an atheist, and when my little buddy Bouncer died on 4/16 I was quite distraught. I didn't pray, but I am able to understand why as sharers in this mortal coil we can be moved to hope that something continues, even when we are sure that nothing does. We grieve our lost companions and hope to find them again someday.

    I hope your little buddy pulls through and you have many more happy years together.

    Edited by - Nathan Natas on 11 June 2002 10:17:41

  • Mimilly

    Marilyn hon - I hope your little one bounces back from that brush with death. I lost my big-guy last year to a car. He died just before I got him to the animal ER. He died a horrible death and I just wanted to end his misery for him. We cried for days and still get teary when we speak of him.

    Please let us know how yer little furry one is doing. Let's face it - they're family. I'm also very glad for you that you found him/her after he/she ran off. It's in a cat's nature to crawl away and die quietly out of sight.

    Sending putty-tat lotsa love, from my own two putty-tats, Beaster and Doodles.


  • Angharad

    Hi Marilyn

    Hope you cat is getting better, and going to make a full recovery.

    I know how horrible it is - our old cat had to be put down last year after she was run over

    Edited by - angharad on 11 June 2002 11:8:33

  • Dawn

    Keep ups informed of your kitty's status. I lost my cat a couple of years ago - he was hit by a car also. I sure do miss him - he was sooooo way cool!

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