StinkyPanz, Don't Be Discouraged!

by Dutchie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    Hi Stinky, actually you posed a very provacative question and if you'll look at the thread again there are some very thoughtful answers. You will just have to overlook, KJV, and those of his ilk. They are always looking to interject sex somewhere, anywhere.

    You know what they say, those who talk about it, well .........

    Don't be discouraged and keep making those "kick ass" posts!

    Your Friend, Dutchie

    Edited by - Dutchie on 9 June 2002 17:18:59

  • Mimilly

    What happened to stinkypanz' thread? It WAS thought provoking. Did KJV ruin yet another thread?

    (grumble, growl).....


  • Simon

    Yes, it was a perfectly good question.

    KJV has been removed - for all his claims of not wanted to read smut it seemed to be all he posted.

  • plmkrzy

    My first reply with the new format. This is very nice. I wish I new how to turn off the highliter.

    I went to look at the stinky-pants thread and YES that would have been a good one I agree.

    KJV is obviously a little obsessed what he is trying to accuse everyone else of being obsessed with.

    Sorry he spoiled the thread for you. Just don't let it spoil your participation. If I could call him a troll I would call him a troll.

    For the most part there are nice people here. And I wish i new what I just did to turn off the highliter.


  • Simon

    There is an 'eraser' symbol (it will say 'Clear Formatting' if you hover your mouse over it).

    This will remove any formatting on the selected text (good for starting again).

    When all the colors are available via a popup selection then you will just be able to select whatever color you want.

  • DakotaRed

    I think KJV should be horse whipped for what he posted on Stinkys thread. I missed her question, but from the answers, it looked like it was a good, serious and thought provoking question, worthy of discussion.

    Now, to change the subject, Plm, only two posts and you join the elite members of royalty as Emperess!! In case I miss it later today, a hearty and early congratulations from me!

  • Mimilly

    Most excellent Simon!! S'about time KJV bit the dust. I just hope the horrid lil perv doesn't reincarnate.

    *dances away singing, "another one bites the dust, and another one's gone, and another one's gone - another one bites the dust!..."*


  • StinkyPantz

    Thanks guys. . . I'm sure I overreacted.

  • Dutchie

    LOL@ Mimilly.


  • Matty

    Welcome back stinky.

    I'm all for seeing that beautiful line through KJV's name!! (ps Oh, he's just in a grey colour now, not a line through - is he glad to be grey!?)

    Mimilly, I was more amused by you and others skilfully putting the SOB down for his moronic rants, so his threads are kinda entertaining in some ways, but hes certainly not worth all the hurt thats been caused, Id prefer all our angst to be directed toward the GB!

    Edited by - matty on 9 June 2002 19:5:17

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