A Timely warning regarding Disfellowshipping. A Mu

by MARTINLEYSHON 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • neyank

    Does this mean that I can get booted out because I declined an invitation to meet
    with the elders for a chit chat?


    So be it.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Martin,

    Sorry to hear your experience. Just as Simon has said, Me too! Yes, the procedure you've seen is also being used here in Oz, and Mrs Ozzie and I have recently been dealt with in a similar way, but with some barbs added! We too refused to ever meet with a committee, even though we hadn't associated for a couple of years at least, yet were summarily dealt with. For us it would have no effect, excepting they took delight in saying "We've got your kids".

    This is the REAL wotld of the Borg.

    Cheers, Ozzie (of the freedom now class)

  • Mulan

    I was told by the man at the Washington State Service Desk, at Patterson, that the elders don't go after people who have faded away. Right! I asked him if someone, like my husband an myself, who hadn't been to the KH in several years (5), would they try to df us. He said they wouldn't unless we are generally known to be JW's. I said they see us as former JW's. He said they would leave us alone. I disagreed, and he said I was wrong. I guess we just wait and see.

  • ozziepost

    I said they see us as former JW's. He said they would leave us alone.
    Contrast this with the instructions given to elders at this year's Kingdom Ministry School to view any lapsed but baptised JW as ALWAYS a JW.

  • SEAKEN2001

    Yes, Mulan, I suppose we will have to see. I have always been under the impression that if I speak up or in any way show myself to be anything other than a loyalist I will be DF'd. If they ask me to a meeting I will decline. So, we'll just have to see if the boys here agree with your WTP contact. I suspect he was handing you a line of bullshit. It would be nice if they did actually leave us alone but I'm not betting on that.



    <P> ;</P> <P>I would like to thank all for their encouraging comments. Thankyou.</P> <P>Martin</P>
  • Dismembered

    In this area, there is literally a long laundry list of people who have just ceased in coming back to meetings. Some of them have not been there for years.No action thus far has been forthcoming not one has been Df'd or DA'd. I guess it must depend on how anxious the "Elders" are to "clean things up".

    If they try that here, I intend to sue each one individually that make up the JC! I wonder how they will feel to get a docket with their names on them.


  • Satanus

    The ironic fact is that they are doing a favor for most people they df. Some see the truth about the troof without that, but others would just like to keep on hanging on. The tough part, of course, is family and friends lost.


  • Southland

    I've been "out" for over 10 years now. I talked to my Mom (loyal dub) recently and asked her if she thought I could be DF or DA'd. She said, "no, you've been gone too long. They wouldn't go after you."

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