State Benefits how does it affect the brothers

by MARTINLEYSHON 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • home_and_dry

    In the UK you can live off benefits your whole life if you so choose to do so and know the 'tricks'.

    Plenty of pioneers I know claim benefits such as Housing Benefit, Council Tax benefit, Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Working Families Tax Credit... you name it, they can claim it. Which to me stinks because even though alot work part time, theres no reason why they couldn't work full time and support themselves fully.

    Of course I don't apply this to those that are genuinly entitled to whatever kind of benefit, morally as well as literally.

    We all make a mess of our lives from time to time
    It's part of the process that you stumble as you climb

  • RedhorseWoman

    When I was still "in", there was a sister who was recently divorced and supporting herself and her young son by working fulltime.

    Several of the other "servants of Jehovah" took her aside and spoke to her about missing the opportunity to spend more time with her child and to spend more time in service.

    She promptly quit her job and went on welfare, even though she was obviously capable of working.

    There was also a big problem with medicaid abuse by sisters on welfare. One of the sisters was a chiropractor, and the "welfare contingent" got into the habit of seeing her for everything. I remember visiting one of them when her child came down with the sniffles, and the immediate comment was, "Oh, you're getting a cold....we'd better take you in to see Dr. Judy!"

    Dr. Judy was eventually caught by the State for welfare fraud along with several of the welfare moms....who were, of course, considered VERY spiritual because they spent so much time out in service.

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