baptism regional Convention

by antes8080 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • antes8080

    Hello Friends during the weekend I was in the san diego Regional convention and the number of baptisim was way down.

    there were 51 who got baptise thats the lowest number i ever seen, the attendance was 14,000 plus

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    0.36 percent growth, and that's before counting disfellowshipped and faders. Not good... Actually, very good!

    How much was the alleged cost?

  • OneEyedJoe
    I'm guessing there was an IC last year in the area? I'd be willing to bet that areas that were assigned to an IC last year will see a sharp decline in baptisms this year as the trend corrects itself.
  • Gayle
    Thanks for report. Any observance how many looked like probably JW kids?
  • Ignoranceisbliss

    Our RC

    2200 attendance

    13 baptized If you extrapolate the numbers you have 2 CAs and one RC a year. In our area they are all about the same size. The CAs usually have about 7 baptized I have been keeping track. That would equal about 27 newly baptized . Out of the 2200 I figure about 1500 are baptized. So 30 would allow for 1% dying and still give you a 1% growth. This doesn't account for losing some to disfellowshippong or the fact that dubs are older and may be dying faster than 1% a year. The growth is definitly not taking place in English speaking America

  • antes8080

    the number is extremely low as San Diego is one the last conventions that meet at a stadium there is around 5-6 circuits that meet.

    @never a jw they never say the amount of cost on regional

    @oneeyedjoe there was not IC last year but they a signed other circuits to san Diego From LA but been going to the san Diego convention for over 15 years and never under 100.

    @Gayle the last speaker said the youngest was 12 the oldest 72 around 30 of them were from 12-16

  • OneEyedJoe
    No IC last year? Wow those numbers are abysmal then. I hope the trend continues as AMIII and Lett get more air time.
  • Vidiot
    51 actually seems surprisingly high, compared to my memories of assemblies and conventions.
  • tim3l0rd
    51 out of 14,000! Our DCs never had even close to that number in attendance. I remember being close to 9,000 maybe. I haven't been to an English convention in a while, so I don't know what they are now. ASL conventions and assemblies are always held in assembly halls, so the attendance typically hovers around 1,000.
  • steve2

    I'd be surprised if baptisms in English-speaking congregations in the States, Canada, Europe, the UK, Australia and New Zealand don't take a nosedive this year.

    As baptism figures reach headquarters following the RCs, the downward trend would be immediately obvious to the GB.

    Perhaps this explains the GB's loud outreach for child baptisms?

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