Bethel Coach Tours

by Simon 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad
    Here's some of our most frequently asked questions regarding our tours, bus trips and more:

    OMG do these people need to be told everything? Are their meals planned out for them too? How about those bathroom breaks--every 2 hours? I bet they are given "instructions" on what exactly to do on those breaks (you cant do #2 on this break, on the next one you can)!! I can't believe I used to be so brainwashed.

  • beckyboop

    Hey Simon,

    Great post! I've already been talking to some other ex's about visiting Brooklyn in about a month or so. I've been 2 times, about 5 years ago. I'd love to go to NY now though since I'm not a jw anymore. I think I'll enjoy the "city that never sleeps" much more now... If anyone would be interested in visiting, email me and let's come up with some good ideas. For some reason I'd love to go again now that I'm out!


  • Jim_TX

    Last year - about this time, my ex-wife and daughter took one of these trips. A whole week!!!

    She asked me iffn I wanted to go with them. I declined. (No way in Hell wuz I gonna be 'trapped' on a bus full of JWs!!)

    Anyway - she and my daughter - did the 'tourist' thing in New York - I think that they even went to Washington D.C. as part of the trip - and saw the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Institute - etc.

    When she got back, in one of our discussions - I was thinking aloud, and said how it would be cool to take a bus trip to Mexico - Laredo, TX - and then walk across the border to shop.

    She said, (and I quote) "Oh. I don't think I would ever want to take a bus trip unless it was full of JW's."

    Well... I think that was the straw that broke the camels' back. About 6 months later, I filed for divorce.

    She is a hypocrite. She forgot back in 1985 or '86 - the time we took a bus trip to NASA in Houston, TX - 2 busses - and she and my daughter (well, plus her two brothers) were the only JWs out of approximately 80 folks - and she had a good time then.


    I'll pass. I don't have a desire to go to look at 'bethel' - or any of those things.


    Jim TX

    P.S. I _did_ go on a 'bethel' tour - in about 1975 - or so. It wasn't a 'bus tour' though - and we flew up thar. I think that is a much better way to do it. I was a JW then, and so had a blast - but it wuz the 'company' that went that made it fun... not necessarily the folks there in New York. We also toured their 'farm'... (Walkill??) it wuz kinda new at that time - and isolated, too.


    Yes...can I have your attention please...even those in the cheap seats in the back of the bus. Please pay attention to our 8am we'll be joining the Bethel Family for a wake-up breakfast of self-righteous eggs and scrambled morning text and if we are excuse me...if we are fortunate, a member of the Governing Body may join us and offer to autograph your personal copy of the NWT....and then we will get to see the inner workings of God's Organization...where He Himself operates...the Holy of Holies...the glorified Juice-Room where fresh virgin prunes are squeezed daily for our loving Mothers, Sid-Lick and the crew. Of course we'll also get to see the ever popular starch machine where those young nubile lusious effervescent.err excuse me...Bethel Boys do the laundry in their undershirts. Have I got your attention Brothers and it not great that we are a part of this heavenly run organ-eye-zation? Why yes and that's why all of us at Bethel Tours would like to remind you that right after a stimulating lunch of thinly-sliced and well-aged roast beef or something like it along with a cup-o-pudding we'll be asking for your contributions for gasoline as you well know that in Satan's world we are forced to use gasoline and it costs us precious dollars but we are ever so happpy to bring you Brothers & Sisters to Mother but it is not with out cost to us so we know that you will make up any shortfall and Jehovah will certainly bless your efforts for it. Later on after our evening meal with the Bethel Family we'll be asking some of the younger Brothers to join some of us older Brothers in the Rec-Room for some brotherly affection, tender compassion and the like...just bring your bathing trunks and maybe a towel. The Governing Body offers this loving provision to all young men..just remember what the Psalmist wrote at chapter 145, verse 14..." we are raising up all who bow down." the lower you go ...well never mind for right now..hope you all packed comfortable shoes.....

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    Might make a good location for an International Apostofest. Wonder what they'd do if say, a thousand of us showed up to tour Bethel?

    still chuckling at this one...

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