One Final Thing

by Hyghlandyr 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hyghlandyr

    Just a final word, and I had to say this because, heck well, it just had to be said....

    And I've said it before but now I have proof....

    Flower is a damned goddess yo!

    Had the opportunity to meet her when I went for a screening for a study yesterday....DAYUM!....

    Her photo doesnt do her justice. She's not only a classic beauty with goddess features, but she's a freakin hottie. Just shoot me!

    (she will deny being a brick house, but don't let her trick you, she is fine........)

    Ok that's all I had to say.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    WB Hygh

  • Hyghlandyr

    For those that don't know, from Merriam-Websters:

    Main Entry: brick·house
    Pronunciation: 'brik-haus
    Function: noun
    Date: 14th century
    1 : a place to live made of bricks
    2 : a woman whose great charm or beauty arouses adoration

  • Hyghlandyr

    Thanks Beck, my black mood has passed and I am not depressed, got a celtic font. But I still wont be posting here much, just had to say this one thing.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Just be happy!! Don't let negative things cloud out the good...rise above it. Hope you are well..take it easy!


  • flower


    Now you've gone and lost all the credibility that you had here! But thank you for the compliment (you might wanna get some corrective lenses tho ;)

    And don't worry I wont tell everyone that you are not at all an asshole but in fact a perfect gentleman. Don't want to ruin your image. It'll be our secret.


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I had dinner with flower and she is aight.
    She isn't alllllll that!!! LOL!
    (Biggs trying to shrink flower's head back to normal size)

  • flower

    LOL @ Biggys! Thank you I was having trouble getting through the door with this noggin. Now its back down to normal again...whew!, that was a wierd experience. ;)

    BTW, wow your using your picture on here now? Tryin to get yourself df'd? lol.

    It doesnt do you any justice either btw. ;)


  • MikeMusto


  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Thanks, flower!
    Yes, I'm using my real photo (no...I'm NOT the guy with the lump on his head!!!)
    I am getting to the point of not caring what happens to me within the walls of the Watchtower.

    Lastly, the photo doesn't do me justice???
    That means you think it's a bad picture!!! LOL!

    PS...You are a hottie. ;o)

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