Latest trend in Ufology

by refiners fire 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Ufology thinking, of course, changes constantly,but I am reading a current book that is creating something of a stir among the UFO believers.
    It is called "The Facade' by Michael Heiser.

    The book propounds that There is a Supreme creator, Yahweh.
    Yahweh is director of a heavenly "council' comprised of created beings
    Spirit creatures,who also have great power,including the power of creation,just not as powerful an ability of creation as Yahwehs.
    These sprits are (or were) Yahwehs department heads and branch managers.
    (psalms 89 v 5,Psalms 82 v 1,1 Kings 22 v19-23,Ephesians 6 v 12)

    About 6000 years ago there was a great disagreement in the boardroom.
    Yahweh created PHYSICAL beings in his own "image". Mankind.
    Mankind were put in dominion over the PHYSICAL creation.
    This apparently includes not only the Earth, but also the physical heavens.
    Yahwehs department heads and branch managers didnt like this idea one bit.
    As they were smarter, more powerful, and had been with the company longer, they felt that Mankind should have been subject to THEM, and they report to Yahweh, and convey all instructions to mankind.
    This was in fact the cause of the great "War in Heaven", and the Satanic rebellion.
    (Genesis 1 v 26,27, Psalms 8 v 5,6. Isaiah 14 v 12.)

    In the course of the ensuing dispute, The Rebel forces have employed their own creative powers, creating other spirit entities and other physical created beings, All of these are INFERIOR to anything the Creator ,Yahweh , can produce, but never the less they are created.
    Aliens such as "greys", which are incapable of emotion, are included among these.
    This is apparently what Genesis 6, and the world immediately before the flood, is all about. The forces of "Helel" (Satan) creating their own hybrid creation.

    The theory caps off with Matthew 24 v 37.
    "As it was in the days of Noah"...

    The theory is driving at unifying the Bible, God and Ufology.
    I found the notion of the Satanic Rebellion being a dispute over authority of the physical creation a new and interesting notion....

  • Pappusan

    How you going with it Kimosabe, nearly finished? A lot of this sort of theory has come from doing parallel studies of Ugaritic text and Caananite mythology.
    The good thing about this theory, is that the people who are presenting it are not hacks but are extremely qualified in these areas and have credentials and honors in these fields and have subjected them to peer review.
    Of course there still is some rough edges but its as good a rave as many and can be argued from sound exegesis.

  • Quotes

    uuuuuhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm.... oooookkkkkaaaaayyyyyy....

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hey RF, Pappusan

    Have you read any of this stuff guys?

    I was reading about it some time ago...aliens instead of angels...stuff like that...its all mumbo jumbo to me...have you read anything like it??


    ps..nice pic pappusan...where you been?? Waiting for that shadowy growth to grow?? Very you look like George Michael

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    About 3/4 the way.
    Absolutely nothin happened until I got to page 250 and then Bang!
    Course, the book doesnt explain the theory as eloquently as yourself...but what the hell.
    I was looking for that scripture about "principalities of the air" but couldnt find it.
    Know where it is?
    I also wonder if a lot of the prophetic book references that have, in the past, been connected to literal rulers might be refering to these spiritual entities that have dominion over certain areas and aspects of earth.
    A Good theory if it stands the scrutiny.
    Havent got to applying the "screen" of this understanding to extensive passages of scripture yet.

    Beck. How the hell is you, and why didnt you invite me to......
    (Hehe, just messin with ya there)
    The notions on that webpage you put up are pretty close to what Im talking about, I think the idea of connecting up to the "Divine Council" of Yahweh, and the Satanic rebellion as part of this struggle over "dominion" of the physical existance are new thoughts.
    Then again,maybe theyre just new for me.

  • Pappusan

    Yeah Beck i have read his stuff before but here is the real good stuff.
    If you feel the need to plow thru the details the Pdf lessons are very good but i must warn ya its very heavy going. When we get together next i can give you a summary of this wacky theory. I will get Brother Refiner to ask the questions after my summary and Brother Neil can be the Microphone boy. :)

    Then again maybe we could just forget the lot, drink the Grog and get plastered and check the spa out hehe :)

  • plmkrzy

    So would this make L. Ron Hubbard correct? Or would it make the Mormons correct? But wait! That would also mean that Russell knew this all along but knew we were not ready to hear the whole truth yet.
    Then that would validate the theory of Rutherford being a false prophet who took over the WT Empire for personal gain.

    I scan some of this stuff occasionally, I get a kick out of reading it, but I don't think I'm quite ready yet to go so far as to believe it.
    I'll go as far as recognizing that for us to be the only life form in all the universes is silly.
    Beyond that I get suspicious.

    BTW. pappuson
    You must tell me who your plastic surgeon is, he did a remarkable job! I didn't want to say anything at the time but you use to be really ugly man. geesh!
    You gotta give me his/her number to keep in my roll-a-dX when I get ready for a nip and tuck. Hehehe.

    .........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................
  • D8TA


    Dude...send the woman some flowers, take her to dinner, do something!

    D8TA v2.0

  • plmkrzy

    Did they make monkeys first or people?

    .........................It's the silence between the notes, that make the music.....................
  • Pappusan

    Heya plmkrzy
    No i dont believe it but after being out of the Org for 12 years i have developed a hobby of learning alternative religious beliefs. I just find it amusing and there is a number of new cults starting out that teach an ancient astronaut theory i.e Raelians and alike, and this version that i was talking about with RF is the latest from Christians to counter it. Tiz all kinda amusing and the theology used is very interesting not what one would expect and is extremely detailed. But rest assured plmkrzy I no longer ferverently believe much at all just give mental assent to things.

    Now regarding my baby pic, my mum always told me i was the cutest of all her children. Its just that the DNA kicks in after the age of 12 and then we end up looking more like common folk. :)

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