Pagan origins of Christanity?

by crownboy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    Ok, the biggest problem you'll encounter is the belief that if the Bible is not the word of God then christianity must be irrelevent. This line of thinking is usually thought by christians themselves. You are correct in that the Bible is almost a complete rip off of Pagan religions. Sirona named a few good sites and I would recommend watching, "Egypt: Land of the Gods". Anyone who wants to hold to the christianity is a "pure" religion is just dilluding themselves. I believe christianity can easilly stand on its core beliefs. Whether they are borrowed or not is irrelevent. Good luck getting a christian to agree to that.
    I don't know any Bible scholar, who wants to be respected, who would try to pass the Bible off as an original work. Most christians don't even know that the NT wasn't started up until 70 years after christ was dead. A few hundred years after that the Bible that you have today was completed with the exclusion of bible books. While I'm an admitted Pagan, I don't think that christianity is without merit.

  • Ephesians6

    Pagan origins?? Man history realy does repeat it's self. Just another excuse for not following Jesus Christ. will not work on God. What pagan origin do these come from, Grace-Gods response to mans need. Regeneration-God creating man into a new creation. Imputation God takes our guilt and puts it on Christ. Substitution- Jesus takes our place. Redemption-set free from our sin. Propitiation-Jesus paid the price, man must die for his sin, Jesus did it for us. Justification- We are made right before God by God. Sanctification-We are set apart by God. Salvation-Deliverance from sin.
    What Pagan Belief does this come from? What other belief does the god do all for you and you do nothing to save your little meger lives? Pagan ha ha ha I am Cornholeo, you must worship my bung hole.

  • patio34

    Hi Crownboy,

    Interesting post and one that's been brought up before. I've read Gary Greenburg's "101 Bible Myths" and his other book. Also good, but unavailable is "Middle Eastern Mythology and the Bible." If you go on and search, there are many, many books about it. I also found it interesting to read up on Mithras and the similarities to Christianity (btw, Mithras worship was 1st). I think you'll find that most of the Bible is borrowed from surrounding cultures and adapted with different names.

    But I got sated with the subject and am reading in a different vein now. Enjoy!


  • crownboy

    Thanks for the replies, guys.

    I read the 101 Myths about the Bible book a long time ago. I was still a believing JW, and thought the guy was making it up, or the pagans borrowed it . Thanks for the links, I'll look at them later.

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