The Tyranny of Childless Men

by r51785 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    hey there. you said "Being a pedophile has little to do with the things around him or her when they molest, but instead I maintain it is a mental defect and should be treated as such."

    i agree with you about it being a mental defect. but i also think that for the most part, they are just plain evil. i see no difference between the bishops and priests in the catholic church and the elders in jehovah's witnesses...

    sometimes i feel that when we say a person's 'sick or mentally ill', we sort of excuse them for their behavior, as if they can't help themselves. these guys can hold down jobs, support their families, guide the flock, etc. so they are in full control of their faculties when they molest these children. and abusing their power as well. how loathesome...


  • r51785
    You must not base your understanding of all "childless men" on your own personal experience. This is very flawed reasoning which is the same logic behind racism and sexism, etc.


    Good point. Anecdotal evidence proves nothing on its own. However a great deal of anecdotal evidence can give rise to a hypothesis. I painted with broad strokes with my original post. My point is that the Watchtower leadership is clearly lacking in love and compassion and I believe that part of the reason for this is the fact that the vast majority of the leadership have not had the experience of raising a family.

    Thanks for your responses!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    r51785 ... now without offending Ballistic...I can only say what I have observed. The men/women I know who are in their 50's and who chose never to have kids, act in a different manner to those who have had kids. I work with two women in their 50's who chose to not marry or to have families...they both are career minded and have lovely beautiful homes with everything inside immaculate...white cushions and white carpet etc etc. They also dote on their pets...and come to work with a little story about their pet's latest antics. This was their choice in life and they are happy...bless their sox. BUT...they are also the most intolerant individuals I have ever met...and are VERY self centred...if the conversation isn't about them or their pets they have no interest in conversing with you. Not the kind of people I feel good to be around.

    I don't know if it is because they are selfish that they chose NOT to have kids...or if they have become selfish because they have not had any kids. But either way...they are selfish...and mean in spirit.

    I also think that if you have NEVER had don't have another life to compare to, however, those who have been childless for a large part of their life, and THEN have kids...they can speak from experience.

    Just my thoughts.


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