Well according to the WTS own website, Mr. Brumley (General Councel for the JWs) says that the assertion that JWs take no action unless the accusation is verified by 2 witnesses is "just simply not true".
He explains:
"Now in addition to seeing to it that the victim is protected, the elders will meet with the accused and find out what he or she has to say about the situation. In those cases, they also contact our headquarters to receive any recommendations or advice that we may have. Where even one allegation is made of child molestation, steps are taken to see to it that the authorities are also involved."
He says that perhaps our accusation comes from what they do interally or judicially.
"If an allegation is raised against a certain individual, elders will meet with that individual to see if he wishes to confess or see if he wishes to seek the help of the elders in any way. If two separate witnesses raise an accusation against an individual, and if it is
found that the practice is going on and he is unrepentant, then the individual is dismissed, or disfellowshipped, excommunicated, from the congregation."
Ahhh...so in order to df someone, the elders need 2 witnesses. So here's what Brumley says is the difference for what requires 1 witness or 2.
"The difference then lies in what we do with regard to legal requirements and protecting the victim. Those steps are taken even if only one individual raises an allegation of child molestation. On a separate matter, disciplinary steps are taken if two witnesses raise an accusation against an individual suspected of being a child abuser."
I would like to know where in there publications and instructions to the elders in the previous years up to now, did it say that "Where even one allegation is made of child molestation, steps are taken to see to it that the authorities are also involved" and that the 2 witness requirement is only for internal needs for disfellowshipping to take place.
No wonder so many elders have not handled these matters right...yes..its ALL their fault for not reading between the lines and for not seeing what wasn't written there.
And what about the poor elders who were told by the Legal dept. to "not get yourself in a jam" and "leave it in J's hands" as we all heard being told to Bill Bowen.
A non-JW very close to me said several years ago, that the JW org is all based on grey areas and vagueness. Hmmmm...howcome it took me so long to see it?
Had Enough
"Never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."...Margaret Mead