Are You Loony?? (another fun test)

by noidea 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    I'm not looney at all.

    Nutty? Crazy? Loony? Not you! You're all about control — you like to color inside the lines, drive the speed limit, and return library books on time. In a nutshell, your behavior and emotions are completely in your grasp. Always there when someone needs you, you like to be taken seriously, and you're as dependable and safe as they come. While that's certainly a role that needs filling, we have one question for you: Would it kill you to let your hair down once in a while? It's okay to go a little crazy every so often. Not that sanity is bad — far from it. But letting off steam is important, as is allowing yourself be the center of attention sometimes. Yeah, it can be hard to go wading in the public fountain at noon or tell your best friend exactly what's on your mind. Too bad. Making room in your life for goofiness and off-the-wall behavior will keep you from letting everything get bottled up inside. So go ahead. Embrace your inner looniness. You'll have fun — trust us!

  • seven006


    Did Julie let you out of the dog house? You been a bad boy lately! She's not going to let you hang out with me anymore if you keep this stuff up. Now you might understand why I don't let people take pictures of me. It can come back and bite you in the butt.

    Tell the little woman I said hi.

  • noidea

    Dave..I could give you a blow by blow description by it wouldn't be nearly as fun..and I don't think Simon would like the graphic details. Well, he might like them but wouldn't want me to post them.
    sigh..I guess if you want to know you'd have to make yourself available to be shown...*innocently bats eyes.


    Member of the: I have ~No-Idea~ class.

  • somebody

    It only happens once in a blue moon, but when you cut loose, you really cut loose. We wouldn't call you loony, but you might qualify for loon-ish. Because while you've been known to have your moments of insanity, you're usually the model of decorum. That's why people are so tickled when you do occasionally do and say off-the-wall, goofy things. But you usually tend to keep your emotions and behavior strictly in check — making sure the scales are firmly tipped toward "sanity" is something you take pride in. That said, it wouldn't hurt to indulge your loony side a little more often. Being dependable and reliable is one thing; being predictable is something else entirely. So leave work early and go fly a kite. Hire a skywriter to inscribe your squeeze's name in midair. Go skinny dipping in January. Make a point of leaving room for spontaneity and craziness in your life — trust us, it's lots of fun.

    Now how am I ever gonna plead the weaker vessel and have fun at the same time ???


    "Air baths are good for preventing colds.. What you do is strip naked mornings and evenings and then bob up and down for a while."~ Golden Age Feb 10 1926 31

    Group air bath,anyone?

  • seven006


    The eye batting thing doesn't work on me anymore, I'm wise to it. Your right about Simon, the poor guy needs to keep it clean around here.

    I found a photo of my little sister Michelle, the photo is about 6 years old. She is the one on the bottom right. She is hell on wheels and the best person I know. When we go out to have fun people think she's my date. It drives her nuts. She would fit in just perfect with you and your sister. Last time we went out with an ex girlfriend of mine they did a little lesbian show while shooting pool. She loves to embarrass the hell out of me.

    The monster on the top right is my older bother the "elder," He eats trucks for breakfast and is a real pain in the ass. The one on the bottom left is my other sister who is still a big time JW. This was the last photo of us ever taken all togather.

    I told you my sis was a babe, not bad for no make up. Ya, she's one of those kind of chicks.

  • LittleToe

    So you had me down as a bit "stiffy", huh?

    Just my luck. Seems my reputation was blown before I even took the test!

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