what is your favorite movie?

by airwlk149 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    what is everyone's favorite movie?
    and why?

    mine is 'Never Been Kissed' with Drew Barrymore because that was me in high school!!!!!

  • cellomould

    My favorite 'girly movie': Amelie
    My favorite 'non-girly' movie: Magnolia

    Well, I have a lot more favorite movies, to be honest...


    "There is no principle worth the name if it is not wholly good." Gandhi

  • Naeblis

    Muppets in Space

  • WildHorses

    I have to many to list here but a few that come to mind at the moment are........

    The Shawshank Redemption(seen it maybe 10 time and never tire of it)
    The Green Mile
    The Patriot
    A Knights Tale

    The list goes on and on.....

  • airwlk149

    i am watching "Never Been Kissed" right now actually...
    "Empire Records" is another good movie.

  • heathen

    Spiderman -very cool

  • GentlyFeral

    Hm...I define "favorite" as a movie I'd either see every few years or buy a copy of.

    * The Addams Family. Delightfully creepy realization of the 60's TV show. Thing is priceless. The casting is perfect.
    * Finally got to see Harold and Maude a couple months ago, only 30 years after it came out. I could do without the Cat Stevens soundtrack, but it's viciously funny. And sweet, too.
    * Smoke Signals, based on The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven,a collection of short stories about the Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservation by Sherman Alexie. I like it for the sly down-home wit scattered through out, and for Evan Adams's hot-geek-poet charm.
    * Powwow Highway, for pretty much the same reasons, only this time big, bearlike Gary Farmer gets to be the geek-poet.
    * Last, and strongest, Grave of the Fireflies,an animated tragedy about two Japanese children trying to survive the end of World War II.


  • Valis

    Sisters and Brothers, let us not forget Logan's Run. There is no renewal, there is no sanctuary, try poking around the confines of the machine's reality and you will get chased, cast out, hounded, interrogated, and then lead to its final downfall....don't forget to hug your Truth Book while watching...oh and lots of cats too....


    District Overbeer

  • airwlk149

    suprise, suprise,
    nobody has said "Titanic" yet!

    With love,

    Katie Ann

  • Elders_Kid

    My favorite move would have to be..... Youngblood.
    An excellent hockey movie from the 80's.

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