GB has dealt treacherously with Younger Anointed!

by IslandWoman 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    Islandwoman, you said:


    Regardless of what anyone may think about the Organization as a whole, among its ranks are some very fine people who do love God and their brother. "

    Unless they are told not to speak to that brother. Or mother. Or dad. Or sister. Or,..... well, I think you get the picture. Love is not a big part of the Witnesses, just a big part of the false image they try to project. Loving your brother while not speaking to them is a hollow kind of love don't you agree?

    happy man - I am not blind. I am well informed.
    You sound like you may not be well informed. Never, ever bring up WWII, the shameful letter that Rutherford wrote kissing up to Hitler, the lies about the numbers of Witnesses who died in the camps, which can be proven from the Watchtowers own numbers, well it is not a good place to take a stand on the truthfulness of the cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Besides the fact that the change from NOT allowing alternative service as was the case in Vietnam and ALLOWING it now, let so many young Witness boys go into prisons where they were raped and mistreated horribly, well, that isn't the high ground either, hmmm, THERE IS NO HIGH GROUND FOR THE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Their history of lies and tricks condemn them.

    As for Rwanda, that is much too close to Malawi for you to want to bring it up. The backstabbing of the "brothers and sisters" in Malawi is one of the darkest chapters in WatchTower Cult History. As most of the people reading this thread knows, the book publishing company in Brooklyn that you seem to worship as a God was dodging taxes in Mexico by pretending not to be a religion, no bibles, no prayers nothing that could COST THEM MONEY which is what they worship. Anyway they allowed Witnesses in Mexico to lie and BRIBE officials to get the same type of card that Witnesses in Malawi were having the meat hacked off their legs for not buying because the liars in Bethel thought they needed to take a stand there. It didn't cost them anything and the persecution pumped up morale around the world and gave them a lot of press, in my opinion. Go do some homework, research the cult a little bit and then let's talk OK?

    While you are researching, could you please explain the seven thousand year creative days and just where that teaching came from? Or is that just another LIE that came out of the head of an old ego maniac in Brooklyn, New York?

  • IslandWoman


    Love is not a big part of the Witnesses, just a big part of the false image they try to project. Loving your brother while not speaking to them is a hollow kind of love don't you agree?

    I don't think it is possible to paint all Witnesses with one broad stroke. I have met Witnesses who have done the right thing no matter what the GB said or anyone else for that matter.


  • Elsewhere

    What will happen when all of the pre-35 annointed have died? How will the WTS explain that?

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Grunt

    Island Woman,
    Great, but those aren't REAL witnesses. Those are normal people like you and me who could be disfellowhipped for that very normalcy. If they are real, well informed Witneses then they have forsaken the New Covenant, and signed on to believe all the beliefs "Peculiar" to the Jehovah's Witnesses. I have a lot of loved ones who are still in, my parents among them. I have protected that relationship by moving away and by not discussing religion unless they bring it up. My mom doesn't, my dad does and then I am totally honest with him. I do always put in "remember that you brought this up and wanted to talk about it." He hasn't done it since we had our discussion of the Mediator a while back. I think that one made him see that he chose either Christ or the 144,000, the Bible or the "understanding" of the Bible by Brooklyn. He chose the Society over Christ, couldn't explain to me just how his ransom was accomplished and I imagine he spent some sleepless hours. He is a good man and the sooner he sees the Tower for the cult it is, despite the pain of recognizing decades of wasted effort in their service, the better for him. I do need to be careful as I don't want him to have to shun me. Any REAL, any well informed and WHOLE_SOULED witness, is not a real Christian. You have to deny Christ to be one, hence not taking the emblems and saying you are NOT in the covenant. Doesn't mean I don't love them. If they were dopers, I would love them too.
    I still love my daughter and that is saying something after her behaviour. She brought up religion, asked me to be honest with her about my real feelings, then shared my letters with her elders. They told her it was a conscience decision but that I was trying to destroy her faith so as she had just reached a good financial spot and could afford to return the car she had been borrowing for a year, she returned the keys along with a note saying she was altering our relationship. She didn't do it to my face or course, but slipped it under the door at my house the night before her brother was flying in from Connecticut to Florida for a family get together. I was glad he was there to see it first hand and to help console his poor mom and me. She started shunning me (threw her Presbyterian mom in for good measure as she wouldn't go along with seeing her when I wasn't around) and built a big wall between her and her brother. He despises the cult too, though he was never in. He saw enough. I hope via Dateline a lot of people have seen enough to recognize a leopard by its spots. The Jehovah's Witnesses are lying hypocrites. Any associated with them are supporting lying hypocrites and in danger of becoming lying hypocrites themselves if the follow the letter of the law set forth by the Lying Hypocrites in Brooklyn, New York. They get the caps because they are Anointed, Ha. God, what lying hypocrites they really are. Sell their brothers and claim to have love. wow. Don't believe it and don't put them on any pedestals. You are good despite being a Witness, not because of.

  • tdogg


  • Bang

    Happy man,
    Ever tried to get away from jovy type bible reading.

    Don't be like Cain and kill your brother - don't do it out of envy.

    Such as the envy that jovies have regarding the rest of the world, hating their human brothers to have good things because they don't think their brother deserves it like they do.
    Jovies walk in the way of Cain - it's the whole religion.


  • winsome

    First century christians who were anointed, had an undeniable "umbilical cord" tie-in with God, through the holy spirit.

    "The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God's children." -- Romans 8:16

    This special "umbilical cord" tie-in with God, kept them on course to their final destiny of their heavenly reward and complete faithfulness to God. So, if by chance an anointed christian should begin to veer off in any way from his christian course, the holy spirit would be "grieved" or "saddened" and God would immediately let them know they were going OFF TRACK. This would insure their faithfulness on their part, and would make all serious transgressions against God, to be considered totally DELIBERATE sins and unforgivable ones, if practiced over a prolonged period of time. (Hebrews 6:4-8; 10:26) They would have to sin with express knowledge of God's disapproval, and persist in it. This being the case, if the anointed christian began a course of "sin", upon being notified by God through the spirit, they would either have to immediately change or repent, if they wished to continue to have His favor. Or else, they would lose their "umbilical cord" tie-in with God, and their spiritual status with as "children of God" because of deliberate sin. Therefore, the spirit would "bear witness" constantly with the anointed christian, to keep them on track.

    Paul warns anointed christians,

    "Also, do not be grieving God's holy spirit, with which you have been sealed for a day of releasing by ransom." -- Ephesians 4:30

    Anointed christians did not "grieve" God's spirit and expect to retain God's favor. No but the Bible shows the Holy spirit acted as a "reproductive seed" planted within them, to keep them on the right track and thus on a continued course of faithfulness in God's favor.

    "Everyone who has been born from God does not carry on sin, because His [reproductive] seed remains in such one, and he cannot practice sin, because he has been born from God." -- 1 John 3:9

    Today, Jehovah's Witnesses claim to have more than 8,700 anointed christians in their midst. But since 1991, something has occurred that actually belies that claim.

    For instance, did we notice any evidence that the "anointed" christians among JWs were "grieved" by God or notified "thru the spirit" in any way over a 10 year period when the Governing Body became "secret" NGO's with the United Nations Organization and secretly used the publications to give support to that institution or instrument of Satan? Do we see any evidence of this happening?

    In the June 1, 1991 Watchtower magazine, the WTS showed the Catholic Church possessing some 24 NGO supporting institutions for the United Nation Organization. They condemned this as being spiritual adultery on the Catholics part. However, during this time, the Governing Body themselves were applying for official status as NGO for the Watchtower Society's Organization, the same as the Catholics. And whatsmore, the Governing Body of the JWs was more than willing, for the past 10 years, to use the printed publications the WTS as a publicity communication vehicle for the DPI of the UN Organization to show them in a favorable light. All the while publicly condemning the Catholic Church for doing the same thing, since the year of 1991.

    Now we've come to realize that this horribly hypocritical situation went on for some 10 years with only Jehovah knowing about it, till October 2001. Only Jehovah knew this.

    Since we know this secret action of the the Governing Body must have been displeasing to God, why didn't God take action and notify His "anointed" that something was terribly wrong, during that 10 year period between 1991 and 2001? Why was not God's Holy Spirit "grieved" among the 8,700 anointed JWs worldwide over that same 10-year period?

    Where is the evidence of "grieving the spirit", an "umbilical cord" tie-in with JWs, as it was among first century christians?

    For more details, please see this link:


    Edited by - winsome on 10 June 2002 12:28:29

  • IslandWoman


    Why was not God's Holy Spirit "grieved" among the 8,700 anointed JWs worldwide over that same 10-year period?

    Why would God cause people, who knew nothing about what was going on in Brooklyn, to feel that THEY themselves have somehow done something to offend God?

    Certainly, after a few years of that, spiritual death would have ensued.


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