Are these men appointed by holy spirit?

by zev 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    All good points gentlemen.

    Thanks. I just got off the slacker wagon and realized todays study article was about this very thing. I tryed to scan it into a text docutment for reprisal and submission. Do any of you recommend a program thats good at scanning the printed page and converting it to a doc, txt, html, or and readable format for editing? I use a twain driver, so it would need to be compatible with that.


    more will follow on this subject for sure.



  • DannyBear

    Good subject Zev,

    The WTBS has had a fetish for this 'spirit begotten' idea since the early days. Judge Rutherford claimed to have angels directly planting 'truths' into his brain. During the Knorr/Franz era the gilead school for Congregation Servants (now Presiding Overseer's) went so far as to show charts and diagrams of how the 'holy spirt' directly moved the organization.

    This is all very heady stuff, designed to elevate the stakes, to create the aura of God's personal hand in the org's affairs. It is a ploy used by many charlatan's and magicians. Whatever it takes to mystify or enhance the drama, they will do it. No substance, no proof, no evidence is needed. Just make the claim, put it in writing, and got 6 million dupes(I can say this having been one of those dupes), panting after every word you utter. Tricks of the religous trade, tried and tested for centuries. It works!

    Appointed by holy spirit? Not even the slightest proof(facts not fancy) can be offered.


  • JT


    it is very sad at the way wt has built this "Appointed by God" dogma to the MAX-

    as my wife says-------- most sisters have always wondered about bros like "Fred" being appointed by HS

    esp in view of their clear lack of ability beyond high hours in service


    JUST MY 2


    as one sister told my wife-

  • JT

    DB++++++panting after every word you utter.+++++++++++

    man do i recall that- each new wt in the mail --scanning each article and esp the question from readers looking for any Nugget of NEW lIGHT-

    PAYING CLOSe ATTENTION to the Feb 15 WT of each yr as it highlites the up coming DISTRICT CONVENTION FOR NEW LIGHT AND realizing that if we missed something it will be discussed in the Fall in a study article

    man they were the days LOOKING FOR THE NEW LIGHT

    just my 2


  • JT


    just calling a spade a spade



  • TR


    I use ScanGear that came with my Canon scanner and MGI Photosuite 3. It's seems to do what I want, and it's easy to use.


  • DannyBear


    LOL on the panting. You brought back memories of my all time (Fred Franz classic) Babylon The Great Has Fallen-God's Kingdom Rules..whew even the title sends shivers up my spine.

    I studied that book inside and yellow lines, black lines, red lines, I made em. I must of read that pile of 'gobbledegook' 4 times or more. Every time there was something in the news that I could remotely relate to it, I trounced on it...

    I do remember the anticipation and eagerness to get that new publication..standing in long lines to do so. Amazing to think that those same publications I was drooling over, now are so old that many adult Jw's have no idea that they even exsisted.

    Funny how they have a never ending flow of 'new light'.....could it be that it gets so cold and dark with the current 'food in due season' that to keep anybody remotely interested, they must find something to get the brother's and sister's going again???? Well lets see now fellow 'old fart GB's' what former rock solid beliefs can we change this summer, that will get the rif-raf off their Sat. morning easy chairs...and sell more books for us?

    Sell, sell, sell the only way to heavenly favor.


    Edited by - DannyBear on 25 February 2001 15:16:56

  • DannyBear


    ***or is he another CT Russell or even a Jim Jones in the making? I prefer, at this point in my life, to wait and see what happens. Am I doomed? Or am I quite rightly following the bible's instruction to not listen those who try to draw people away for themselves?***

    Yeah I think so TR. And not doomed by any means.


  • zev

    I got the article from todays study scanned. I figured out i had to do it by the collum, at least with this lame software i have to use.
    I'll be working on todays article...i need to gather some thoughts before I indulge myself.

    I was kind of wondering if some of the active JW's could participate in this discusion. I really would like to hear what you have to say.



  • Thirdson

    I happen to have a Jan 15, 2001 Watchtower, I got mine at the airport!

    Regarding appointments the article doesn't actually say much about how men are appointed as Elders. It implies that the Governing Body appoints the branch commitees, who appoint the Bethel elders and the DO's and CO's and then everyone else. (Page 14 para 15).

    Now, this is the question on paragraph 17.

    How are recommendations for appointment of overseers and ministerial servants handled by the branch office?

    The answer from the paragraph is:

    ...experienced men rely on God's spirit for guidance in making these appontments.

    That's it, that is all that is said. The rest of the paragraph is fluff, space filler with the question written in and a reference to not being hasty.

    What actually happens is the elders get together with the CO and they go through a list of names. The elders try to think up as many excuses for why someone should or shouldn't be appointed. The CO looks at the FS cards and asks what about brother so and so. The elders say what they think. If they can't think of a reason to bar someone or alternatively firmly decide that they want someone the CO is persuaded to go along with the decision. If the elders are unanimous and the CO agrees the appointment is "rubber stamped" at Bethel. Of course the JW's will say that the elders and CO ask for holy spirit to guide their decisions.

    But my question is, since mistakes are made who didn't get the spirit, the elders, the CO or the Branch representative who stamped the appointment?

    The way the Watchtower explains it is ecept for the branch committees all the appointments are made by their (non-annointed?) representatives. The criteria for selection is the Bible. Paragraph 16 states that it is "under the direction of the Governing Body that qualified men are appointed" but only after "Care is taken that those acting representatively...clearly understand and follow the scriptural guidelines."

    The Watchtower sums up the process in paragraph 19. It states boldly that "Theocratic appointments come from Jehovah through his Son and God's visible earthly channel". This is done through holy spirit, how? "Because the qualifications are set out in God's Word, which is inspired by holy spirit and the individual gives evidence of producng the fruitage of the spirit."

    But then it says the appointments are "to be viewed as being made by holy spirit"...but it falls short of saying that they are. It says it is Theocratic! The remaining three paragraphs are just more fluff.

    So there you have it. The latest and greatest version of how appointments are made.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

    Edited by - Thirdson on 25 February 2001 19:19:35

    Edited by - Thirdson on 25 February 2001 22:31:56

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