Watchtower dissolves congregations?

by TheStar 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Back in the early 70's my Uncle who was an elder in a small Ontario town of Little Britian, I believe it was called the Manilla congregation at the time. Anyway this pervert Uncle of mine (Which I am ashamed to admitt is any blood relation to me)sexually abused his young daugther my sweet cousin. This uncle of mine always gave me the creeps, anyway the cong. was having problems big time fighting, decreasing in meeting attendance, service decreasing etc. etc. as my father who was his brohter and they were very close my dad and him said things were terrible in the cong. My uncle was blaming all the elders for the problems in the hall. Well as it turned out somehow the elders found out my uncle was sexually molesting his daughter, I am not sure if she told or if his wife found out and told, but whoever reported it, the damage was done to the congreagation too, and that cong. was dissolved. Some were sent to Lindsay Ontario, and I think Port Perry. Anyway my uncle was disfellowshipped, and he went to prison I guess he confessed to the who thing. To this day I have no idea what ever became of my dear cousin I always remembered her as a sweet young girl and I guess she was terribly affected by what happened to her, and I wish some day I could find her, she had a brother too. I OFTEN WONDER IF SHE IS ONE OF THE SILENTLAMBS!!
    I never knew what happened to that uncle of mine after prison, but he did show up at my fathers funeral in 1995 and I never spoke with him as he is still disfellowshipped and at that time I was still in the org. And the freaky thing about this uncle was he looked so much like my father. So yes the WTBS does dissolve congregations.

  • Francois

    Metatron you are correct. That was precisely the argument the GB made in the Texas case. Of course, the GB takes the opposite argument in their publications, that they are not an hierachical organization.

    And these are the very same folks who argue against situational ethics. I don't see a lot of difference between situational ethics and situational truth.


  • Englishman

    Philo ( what's happened to him?) told me, last Xmas when we were face to face, that the Bishops Waltham congregation, between Southampton and Portsmouth, had been dissolved.

    He said that the DO had arrived and told everyone that they were being re-distributed between Tichfield and Fareham, and that anyone who opposed the move would be DF'd.

    Much speculation is still occuring, I believe.


  • alliwannadoislive

    hey ! i was told this happened a good few years ago with the cosham, portsmouth, uk, congregation - it had a 'bad spirit' and was dissolved ... eman would know ... over to you sir ...

  • Englishman

    Actually, I do recall a similar occurence in Cosham, Portsmouth.

    Weren't they all split between Leigh Park and Portsmouth North?

    I seem to recall that someone called "... Snarr" being a catalyst in this.


  • belbab

    Not only congregations are dissolved. There was a branch office in the Caribbean or Central America back in NH Knorr's day. Trouble arose withing the branch and also amongst all the publishers in the country. In a case like that what the Society, Pappy Knorr did, was send in a new crew, appoint a new branch servant and a few other missionaries and send them in the country. The Society will only deal with them, all correspondence literature etc. goes throught the new nucleous.

    The publishers who want to stay in the org. must knuckle down under the new branch. Anyone who does not come are left out in the cold.

    Cold, hard policy, no mercy, individuality was sacrificed, even if one had legitimate concerns.


  • Tammie

    My mom personally knew of one congeration in South Carolina, back in the 1970's who was dissolved. My dad said there was a problem with "wife swapping".

    I know of a congeration up in Iowa, who had the whole body of elders disfellowshipped. I was not there when it happened, but different ones in the congeration was still walking on egg shells when I came. I made a comment, I don't remember what I said. But I was quickly corrected, and was told to watch what I was saying. It was then they told me about what had happened. They said that the elders was not teaching what the WTBTS was teaching. Or something to the effect of that.

  • RR

    I know of oly one congregation that was dissolved, this was over twenty years ago, in the Bronx, NY. Believe it or not, the whole congregation was corrupt, as the scripture states from the "ittlest to the mightiest." Elders running a prostitution ring, pioneers were doing more than just selling Watchtowers, Kingdom Hall was a brothel.

    Not only did the Society dissolve the congregation they razed the whole building. When I was living in the area, there was no growth in that particular area because everyone knew. I guess they had to wait for two or three generations to pass before they could get any results.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! .

  • Salud

    Having served in Spanish congregations at various times there were over zeoulous English speaking brothers in small towns who would learn Spanish and form new Spanish congregations. But there was never enough territory to work, so no growth was seen. Also, after the meeting everyone would speak english so it really was not benefiting anyone. In time the Society disolved the congregation through means of the CO.

    I also know of a case in Montana where an entire body of elders was disfellowshipped and the congregation was disbanded and everyone sent to other congos.

  • zenpunk

    Hi Star,

    I know this for a fact to be true!!! When I lived in Ireland and was a JW, the cong. I went to was so incredibly corrupt, accusations flying, and the fact you had to pay a pound each time you walked into the kingdom hall, which was in a brother's house (who was doing quite well $$$, by the way). During one meeting one brother stood up during another brother's talk and called him "a puppet of Satan". The big bosses from Dublin came in and disbanded the congregation, forcing the members to go to the Sligo cong. nearby.

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