Why Be AlanF So Narcissistic

by non_trias_theos 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • non_trias_theos

    AlanF seem to suffer from ego centricity disorder. People in thisn place have patted him on back too much it went to his head. He think that cause he can shuffle a few figures and write terrible papers on evolution book that he ok. He needs humble self and quit taking praise from people. AlanF must crave attention and laudation. He is a hero in his own mind and in this place. For AF sake, stop patting him on back people.



  • LDH

    May I suggest a tall, cool glass of Grammar 101?


    AlanF only "suffers" from being liked.

    At the rate you're going, you'll never have to worry about THAT particular affliction, now will you?


  • hillary_step



  • MikeMusto

    Have you met NYT?

    That guy was something else.

  • TheStar

    Hey, I think Fredhall has been with us all along. Hmmmm... You think?

  • non_trias_theos

    LDH who thought thrownness was not a word

    $$$May I suggest a tall, cool glass of Grammar 101?$$$

    You can suggest it all you want. May non suggest a dictionary for you?


    Thank for your loving kindness.

    $$$AlanF only "suffers" from being liked.$$$

    That not only thing he suffer from.

    $$$At the rate you're going, you'll never have to worry about THAT particular affliction, now will you?$$$

    As Jesus said, the world is fond of what is its own. See how weel AF liked once he comes back to truth.

    $$$Have you met NYT?

    That guy was something else.$$$

    Never met him. Should non?

  • simwitness

    Non -

    Respect is an earned thing. Many here have earned my respect, including AlanF, Amazing and even (gasp) You Know.

    Their posts, wether you agree with them or not, are generally well written and can help people come to thier own conclusions about things.

    Your posts however, are not.

    Your entire pourpose here seems to be to inflame people in needless non-sensical banter, that serves no pourpose other than to confuse and distort reality, and distract from what needs to be discussed.

    If you have a real issue with something someone posts, deal with it in that thread in an intelligent, respectable manner, and you will be on your way to earning some measure of respect. Continue on the path that you are on, and you will find yourself very alone.

    Have a nice day.

  • TR

    More loving kindness for non-thinking-person:

    You're just a jealouse bunghole.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Your entire pourpose here seems to be to inflame people in needless non-sensical banter, that serves no pourpose other than to confuse and distort reality, and distract from what needs to be discussed.$$$

    Non has many reasons for being in this place. His concern over AF egocentricity is very genuine. Non want everyone to get life. Egoism can hold us back from the desired end.

    $$$If you have a real issue with something someone posts, deal with it in that thread in an intelligent, respectable manner, and you will be on your way to earning some measure of respect. Continue on the path that you are on, and you will find yourself very alone.$$$

    Non cannot worry about being a man pleaser. His first obligation to please God. The world loves it own. They will not like jw but will love AF.

    $$$You're just a jealouse bunghole.$$$

    How you know non jealous. Are you psychologist or psychiatrist?

  • teenyuck

    Well, I saw his picture and he is HOT!!! If I looked that good, I would be narcissistic!! All those hot women around him....

    Why don't you post your pic, non?

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