Do You Really Want Reform, Or...

by Francois 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hmmm


    That's like asking if I want ice cream or cake. Yes, please.

    I think we're going to see reform over the molestation issue. Sure, the society will send the changes down through private CO meetings, while telling the R&F and public that it was their policy all along, but what else would we expect?

    However, reform won't be good enough until they've also reformed the policies on blood, and all other teachings that are destroying people's lives.


  • Bang

    Shut em down for good - they shouldn't be allowed to go to people's homes and pretend to be Christian.


  • gumby

    Personally, I feel that attempting to reform the JW cult into a respectable religion would be as large an impossibility as making a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

    But what you you all think? Reform or disestablishment?

    Well....the WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD reformed!
    They dropped all former ideas similar to the dubs and are now mainstream christians. This happened when herbert died and the son took over.

    I would like to see a reform. I think the dubs have "some" things in proper order.
    If they would drop the FDS idea,and... that the organisation alone holds the 'TRUTH".

    If they would let peoples own interpretation be the guide for worshipping God.......that would be cool.

    I still would like to kick the ass of each and everyone of the GB really good, before a reform however! Then after I kicked their ass........slap the piss out of them for being the bastards they are!

  • Xander

    and all other teachings that are destroying people's lives.

    Like mandatory preaching?

    That the org is the solution to all of life's problems, and just talking to an elder will help your depression (or it's your own damn fault for not being spiritual enough)?

    That the WTBTS is the sole channel to god, and everyone else in the world will be destroyed, so it doesn't REALLY matter what they think of you? (They're birdseed, anyway!)

    That having ANYTHING to do with the present system of things means you're marked for destruction? (IE., no voting, volunteering, etc.)

    What's left, then?

    I think Joseph had it right above. Once you take out all the details that make them 'wrong', there is nothing left.

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • belbab

    The life of individuals and collective groups and organizations could go either way. Ninevah, collectively reformed, its ways that were leading to destruction, turned around 180 degrees. So in one way the Ninevah that was, was destroyed and a new Ninevah arose.

    Contrast this with Jerusalem after Jesus. They clung to their city, God's Holy City of Peace til it was levelled to the ground. The message had been announced for forty years. When you see the City of Peace, infiltrated and surrounded by encamped armies, within the city and without then get to hell out, immediately.
    The WT today are under siege, within and without. Defenses, damage control, bulwarks are constantly manoevred into place to maintain their glorious holy organization of Jehovah.

    I stuggled out of her, was finally booted out over thirty years ago.
    In those days one could walk away without too much difficulty. Now I see, even in the post a few above this one, how difficult it is to leave.

    So the message keeps being hammered out. Safety is only within the walls of Jehovah's earthly organization. But an opposing message is also being heard, GET TO HELL OUT, NOW! It's going to get harder and harder to get out later.

    It is an individual thing, no one can decide for another, the split takes place, between friends, between brothers, between man and wife.

    Who knows which way a person or the collective will go?

    Read Josephus, The destruction of Jerusalem. It's on the internet, and compare it to what is going on today with the WT. Fanatics ruled then, fanatics also rule today.


  • Lee Elder
    Lee Elder

    The WTS will as in the past continue to change and
    remake itself in order to survive. Call it reform
    or whatever you wish to call it but in my opinion
    the WTS will be around for a very long time. They
    have a marketable product that millions of people
    want. Like other corporations, they will change their
    product when the market or the government demands
    change. Oh they'll fuss about it, turn loose the spin
    doctors to say it isn't so, but in the end, "light
    will flash up", and the modern day ark of Jehovah
    will slowly "tack" in the wind. For those who step
    out of the ark, however, they'll find that they
    don't drown because there isn't any water after all ;-)


  • DanTheMan

    An end to the org sounds good. But, as long as the demand is out there (people who are susceptible to cults and abusive relationships in general) there will be exploiters ready to take advantage of them.

    The things that keep the cultish, sectarian spirit alive in the org are the hostility towards the world and the spirit of elitism. These things are all but lost on the younger generations of JW's, IMHO. So many of the teenagers out there peddling WT literature have worldly friends and probably barely understand even the basics of JW-doctrine. Therefore, I think that a continual eroding of this sectarian spirit will continue.

    When I first became a dub in '93, a lot of what was in the magazines and other pubs was vitriol towards Christendom. Seems like that has dropped off a lot. Now all their vitriol is directed towards apostates. A cult has to have enemies. I hope that at least some thinking dubs have enough of their own mind left to see that there are more than a few legitimate reasons for rejecting the WT's claim to represent God.

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