Hi, I'm new

by Sadie5 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    I've been lurking here for some time and decided to take the plunge and jump in. I was a witness for 16 years, baptized in 1981 when I was in my early 20's. Brought husband, mother and kids in. Faded away somewhere between 97-98. It was gradual so I can't remember an exact date. Family left too, thankfully.

    Have gotten over a lot of the JW experience, but parts of it still hang on. The past Dateline show brought out a lot of feelings that I thought had been done away with. Glad to see this is coming out for the world to see just how it really is.

    My oldest son, who is in his mid 20's, still socializes with some JWs that he grew up with. He hasn't attended meetings in years but they still get together and go out to dinner or movies together. they are all married and he married a non-JW. It's nice that they can still continue their friendship.

    Anyway, one of the guys called our son and asked if he had watched Dateline. My son hadn't but I had discussed it with him. His friend went on to tell him how it was a show that attacked JWs. Dateline will be proved wrong. Erica was making it all up. The people on there were apostates. All negative comments. I don't see why they can't feel for the victims. Can't the organization feel any sympathy or remorse for what has happened?

    I feel so thankful and grateful that our family is out, we made the right decision. I am thankful for all who have websites for us to read, and for all who have posted the information too. Many have found freedom.

    Well that's it for now, hope I can join in a few discussions.


  • lydia

    Welcome Sadie!!!

    Glad you are here... Look forward to chatting with you too...

    Don't worry too much about the Dubs.. right now they are all scrambling to cover the tracks - by spreading the rumors that your son has heard..
    The Truth will come out..
    not the "Troof"

    Welcome again!!


  • Soledad

    Thank you for sharing that with us I remember the uneasy feelings I had when I tried to fade-out, however that all changed very quickly as soon as I read Crisis of Conscience. I DA'd in June 1998. Welcome to the board!

  • Xena


  • moman

    Sadie, nice to have you on-board!

    Whats hard to believe? The Watchtower is a peranoid, controling, money making, tax free, corporation, looking out for its own interests!

    If you are a si-fi fan, you know why we refer to them as the "Borg".

  • orangefatcat

    Welcome SADIE I hope that you will enjoy being here with us, and feel comfortable to share your story with us. Some of us have been here longer than others and some are shy and some are funny and some are wierd like me, and some are just wonderful and that is like most of us. We here to listen and laugh, cry and share and care. so a great big welcome and hugs for you and your family.

  • DakotaRed

    Welcome Sadie. Like you, I really wonder where the Watchtowers compassion is. Sure isn't with the victims.

  • Cassiline

    Welcome to the board Sadie!!!! Hope to "meet" you soon in chat!


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • Adonai438

    Hi Sadie
    Nice to 'meet' you
    I myself have been out of the borg and now a christian for about 7years now and it has been wonderful!
    Email ANYTIME to chat or whatever you want
    God bless <>< Angie

  • AjaxMan

    Welcome Sadie.

    I am glad that you and your family left a High-Controlling Cult that robs the lives and money off its members.

    I bet it's refreshing to be living free without fear. As welcome message, read my profile signature.
    regards and love,

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