Blood fraction transfusions

by somebody 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    Good morning all ( good afternoon/evening for others ),

    I've kept up on the topic of blood transfusions and the "fractions" of blood that are acceptable ( according to god=f&ds ). I've read up on bloodless surgery too. Which I think is a great alternative, in health conditions where it will work. What I haven't been able to get any info on is what the f&ds's stance is on donating blood, seeing as how you need blood to be able to extract fractions from it. Does anyone have any iformation on what the "society's" recent and past stance on donating blood is? Does the society say it's biblical ( i.e. permissible by them ) to donate one's own blood in case the NEED ever arises that they need a blood fraction transfusion ?

    any info would be helpful and much appreciated.


  • Thirdson

    Hi Somebody,

    Recently, I talked to 2 JW ladies at the airport. (MSP special JW literature desk in the baggage claim hall).

    After getting them to concede that JW's are allowed to take fractions of blood as outlined in the June 15, 2000 Watchtower and that fractions of blood are extracted from 100's if not 1000's of units of blood and this was acceptable, I asked them if giving blood was OK now. "No, absolutely not, blood has to be poured out on the ground", was their reply.

    So I asked isn't that hypocritical? It's OK to accept blood to save your life but not OK to give to save someone else?

    I was met with silence.


  • Seven

    Hi Somebody and Thirdson, I've gotten the same response as you to the blood donation question-no without further explanation. I ran across this site while looking for treatment options for anemia/fatigue. I don't know who runs it, it contains a link concerning JW patients:


    btw, Somebody, you've started some great threads since you've come back-keep up the good work.

  • somebody

    Thirdson and Seven,

    thank you for your info. I'll be reading the site you provided, Seven, and keep in my mind the personl responses you both got when questioning active JWs on the subject.

    Seven, I'm happy you said what you did. I've been getting mail saying that I'm nothing but a failure, troublemaker, and from some others ,I've offended them. To all those whom I've offended, I'm truly sorry. To offend is not my intention. To help people think and see, is. I'll try my hardest to think and re-word before I post from now on, so as not to offend people. I'll practice that. And I do add humor to some of my posts, only because I know no other way to deal with teachings that I know people that I love live with everyday.


    Edited by - somebody on 24 February 2001 13:22:56

  • larc


    After I read your question but before I read Thirdson and Seven's comments I figured the answer would be no. JWs are willing to accept help, but won't give any. This was brought home to me while reading a WOL thread. They were giving advice to this destitute sister who was getting no help whatsoever from her brothers and sisters. Some of the posters pointed out the various charities that could help and how some of them had availed themselves of such help. Of course, Witnesses don't give to charities even though they will accept help from them in a heart beat. That is shamefull, unchristian behaviour in my opinion.

    So, their blood stance fits right in with their mind set. Accept help, but don't give it.

  • eyes_opened

    Hey somebody!

    You have certainly not offended me! I for one really enjoy your thought provoking posts, and look forward to reading them. I hadn't even thought about this question before you posed it, and I'm now really interested to find out the answer. You keep on thinking girl



    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • Thirdson

    Hi Somebody,

    You are a "someone" and not a "no-one", not a failure, nor a loser. Tiny minded individuals who cannot think for themselves are offended if you challenge their beliefs. Keep up the challenging posts we are here to learn not to have our ears tickled.

    I think the qualities of the poster or e-mailer are questionable if they cannot reason and have to resort to name calling.

    Have a great weekend,


  • happytobefree


    Please keep up your post and don't censor them. This is not a KH, so no one should be stumbled.

    I have enjoyed every one of your posts and perceive you to be a very LOVING person. I do not consider myself a christian and I am not looking to become one at the time. But from your post I gather you are what a Christ-like personality would be and what I consider a "true" christian.

    And as a co-worker use to say. Jesus Christ was persucuted (sp?), so you know what they are saying about me. lol

    Happy to be Free (Me)

    Edited by - happytobefree on 24 February 2001 14:52:19

  • expatbrit

    Hey Somebody:

    Don't deny us your posts just because some narrow-minded twit doesn't agree with your point of view.

    You're not trouble-making, you're thought-provoking (something most JW's find painful).


  • crittersitter

    you are a thought provoking and well spoken young lady..i for one really enjoy reading your posts. keep it up girl friend. i'm proud to be on the same board as you( and some other x-jw's)
    love ya'll

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