Why Are People Here So Disrespectful At Times?

by Eutapro 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy
    I am curious as to what your answer will be.



    Why would you want this guy to attempt to answer to any of that.
    Ask a JW those questions if you realy want to debate.
    This guy is just a goofball. He isn't professing to be anything other then that.
    Im curious why anyone on this board would want to keep this going. I only came in here because the board is flooded with all the same stuff
    and I thought this might be a little bit interesting but it's not.

    I doubt if anyone else on the planet thinks it's anything but stupid either.

    EXCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE ME. Im borrowing neabs attitude long enough to hit the reply button.
    we colud also use a little face that sticks it's tounge out while sticking it fingers in its ears.

    [email protected]

  • MarchOn

    <<<The term apostate is not meant to be offensive.>>>

    Who are you kidding?!?! Anyone that has ever been a witness knows that is exactly what it is supposed to be. Even as a child I knew that. I recall watching the Phil Donahue show with my parents and there was an ex-jw on the show talking about the things that go on in the org. My mothers eyes were as big as saucers as she said, "Oh my that guy is an apostate". I was frightened by the look on her face and said, "mommy what is an apostate?". She told me that it is a really, really bad person that hates Jehovah. I just sat there looking at this man on t.v like he was Freddy from "Nightmare on Elm Street. I was truely scared shitless!

    As a witness you are taught that there is nothing worse, not even being a worldly person, then it is to be considered an apostate.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Eu has probably noticed that JWs on active JW boards are never disrespectful of ex-JWs who post there. Red has noticed that, too.

    Red has also noticed that ex-JWs who "attempt" to post on active JW boards are summarily booted in the ass and never allowed to post there again. Has Eu noticed that, also?

    Has Eu also noticed that Eu has been allowed to post much inane drivel that frequently irks Red no end? Has Eu? Has Eu?

    Eu has also spoken about the term "apostate" in rather neutral terms. Red has noticed, however, that when JWs speak of apostates (spit on ground) they speak of apostates (spit on ground) with much venom and animosity. In such a context, the term apostate (spit on ground) can be a much more derogatory term in that respect. Red has noticed that....has Eu?

  • AjaxMan


    Is Eu the same as non_trias_theos?

    Of course Eu is non_trias_theos.


    Eu talks about respect for JWs. Well, Eu must come and earn it to get it from others!

    Why doesn't Eu go spend his time in Field Service instead of talking to apostates and opposers, doesn't Eu know that he can be DF'ed?

  • Solace

    Your topic title, "Why are people here so disrespectful at times".
    Why is anybody disrectful at times? Everyone on this earth is an individual. Each person reacts differently to situations based on their own life experiences.
    I have also learned that people react disrespectfully when they have been disrespected themselves.

    I personally do respect witnesses.
    I do not however have respect for the watchtower society.

    Just wanted to point out though,
    if you listen to witnesses speak of people outside of their faith, they basically condemn everyone to a cruel death in "armageddon". Not to mention the various terms they use openly to refer to outsiders, "Worldly" "Pagan" "Apostate" and the shunning and snubbing of friends, loved ones, even parents just because they do not agree with the society. This isnt very respectful in my opinion.

  • BugParadise


    Is Eu the same as non_trias_theos?

    Of course Eu is non_trias_theos.

    That is my first guess. He makes his rounds on several boards with the same hogwash and 3rd personality disorder.


    "Errors have been made~Others will be blamed."

  • Eutapro

    $$$In reality the Jehovah's Witnesses broke away from the Bible Students who maintained Russell's teachings. So by your own definition, Eutapro, you are an apostate.$$$

    jw not beholden to any man. Russell never wanted anyone to hold to his teachings. One should hold to Christ teaching.

    $$$And if you go back to 1878 one finds that Russell broke away from the Adventists, and by using the Jehovah's Witness definition of apostasy, this would make Russell an apostate.$$$

    Would you call Martin Luther an apostate? If not, then you cannot call Russell a postate. He was a true reformer like Luther and others.

    Apostate is a word that is contextually situated within a particular political or religious community. In Eu's book, Athanasius of old was an apostate.

    $$$Is Eu the same as non_trias_theos?

    Of course Eu is non_trias_theos.


    Eu is not same person as non_trias_theos and you cannot prove it. Simply logic will tell you that the two entities are not same.

    $$$Eu talks about respect for JWs. Well, Eu must come and earn it to get it from others!$$$

    Eu does not care if he gets respect or not. He just thinks that you people who are supposed to be one step above jw could rise above the fray.

    $$$if you listen to witnesses speak of people outside of their faith, they basically condemn everyone to a cruel death in "armageddon". Not to mention the various terms they use openly to refer to outsiders, "Worldly" "Pagan" "Apostate" and the shunning and snubbing of friends, loved ones, even parents just because they do not agree with the society. This isnt very respectful in my opinion.$$$

    Eu does not think you understand jw right. some jw speak with venom. not all. one being looked at as apostate is not as simple as you portray.

    Do you believe in bible? I guess you find it quite disrepectful too when it calls people wicked or evil who do not serve God.

  • dubla
    why does eu talk in the third person?.....

    i wonder if eu speaks in the third person as a "pseudo-imitation of bill reilly", or maybe "for purposes of self-effacement and to annihilate the human ego that normally motivates most mortals who are enslaved to the flesh"........ http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=28842&site=3&page=2


  • TR

    TR has noticed that some TROLLS have to many ID's on Simons forum.

    Now take your 'hovahness and carefully insert it somewhere dark and stanky.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Athanasius

    Hi Eutapro,

    You didn't give me an honest answer as to whether JWs are apostates because the deviate from Bible Student teachings. You also claim that JWs don't follow the teachings of men. Well if that is true then why do you need a Governing Body of men to tell you what to do? The Bible should speak to you personally without the interpretations of those old men. But again by your Governing Body's interpetation of Apostasy, Jehovah's Witnesses are Apostates, and you can't deny that.

    Regarding Martin Luther, ask a Roman Catholic if Luther is an Apostate or not. After all Luther was once a Catholic priest who later left the faith.



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