by SYN 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    What do you get when you put a bunch of computer literate Star Trek fans together on a forum? Mindless propoganda with an Enterprise slant, that's what! To the person (forgotten you nick, sorry) who showed me a link to this site, shot a lot! It is an ongoing source of amusement and has truly convinced me that I'm on the right side over here.

    JWZone is basically the polar opposite of JWD. There, if you say something raunchy or a bit too "unGodly", you'll get modded quicker than you can say "Judicial Committee". Yes, the iron-fisted rule of the moderators there is pretty harsh. I haven't even tried to sign up, primarily because I know it would be quite a rapid exercise in post deletion if I ever said anything on that site. I truly bristle at some of the mindboggling ignorance that the Dubs on JWZone present towards their own religion - they really, honestly, don't have a CLUE! But then again, that's how the Governing Body likes it to be. More than a few times I've heard the sickening phrase "We'll have to Wait On Jehovah (TM)". ARGH. This, said in relation to CHILD ABUSE cases. What makes it worse is that these people don't even know the extent of their mental illness. It's actually very sad to see thinking human beings subverted by all this nonsense, and in such large numbers.

    For starters, how do these Dubs justify themselves being on this site? Isn't it perfectly clear to them (as outlined in a recent Awake) that "Star Trek" is a show that deals with people living very far in the future, without religion, and is therefore automatically on the "banned viewing" list? Sheesh, considering their vehement attitude towards other things on TV, you'd think they'd avoid a site like this like the plague. But no, not only do they post at this site, they even use Star Trek characters for their avatars! The blasphemy! Jehovah's arrangement clearly doesn't include anything remotely related to flying about between Solar Systems, so I am convinced that this site was created by Apostates in order to lure weak ones into the clutches of the one who "walks about like a lion, a lion in Africa, the lion sleeps tonight". Dang! I must stop typing simultaneous Lion King and JWD rants. Oh, there is even a guy on JWZone called "Dang". Surely this name is unbecoming of a servant of Jehovah? Would you want your servant to be called "Dang"?

    "Hey Dang, bring me some grapes!"
    "Sir, yes sir!"
    "Oh, and Dang, while you're in the kitchen, tell those cherubs to hurry my Pachola the hell up, I'm gonna die of starvation over here pretty soon! A man's gotta eat you know!"
    "Sir, yes sir, Dang at your command sir! Coming right up, Jehovah!"

    That name so doesn't cut it.

    Oh no, here is another person with a suspect name, "BookYeti". This woman is obviously unappreciative of the spiritual food prepared for us by the Faithful and Discreet Slave (this slave is not called "Dang", BTW), wherein they state clearly that Yetis and other mystical creatures are actually demons sent to Earth to plague conspiracy theorists into oblivion. Truly, this is a sign of the end of days!

    Now, for more proof of the sheer evil on this site, here is a quote from one citroencephalitic "Johnny Lemonhead":

    Agreed. I am once again reminded that, although I can look to others in the congregation for good examples, ultimately it's Jehovah and Jesus Christ I should try to imitate.
    Johnny has evidently not been reading his Watchtower enough, because therein it is clearly stated that only the FDS are allowed to walk on water like Jesus did. Others must resort to more conventional methods, such as water-skiing or surfing.

    THIS person is really doing good work in our Ministry:
    Jehovah will fix things. Perhaps not as soon as we would like. But he can see the entire picture and can read hearts that we cannot see. I've always said that Jehovah is perfect, his organization is perfect, but unfortunately at this place in time, he has to use inperfect men to run it.
    But, he is wrong in that the Faithful and Discreet Slave are imperfect. They are, actually, completely perfect. Why do you think they turned down Dateline for an appearance? Simple: Perfect Governing Body members don't need to appear on television!

    Oh boy. Paging through this site some more, I've just come across a giant morass of pure ignorance, hatred, and other fun words. Have a look at THIS: http://www.jwzone.org/forums/showthread.php?s=e05edc10329f2d1155e9d40263fc5c84&threadid=4730

    Some quotes from the cloning thread's posts:

    I do not think Jehovah would allow this. I know they cloned "Dolly" the sheep, but original sheep herself was alive. Now they're trying to resurrect something, and that's stepping into God's shoes.
    Really? What's Jehovah gonna do, make the Bunsen Burners explode? PFFT, get a life, noob! Cloning IS NOT resurrection. HUMANS killed these animals, and HUMANS will bring them back again.

    Jimspace. I shudder at the thought. Just think of some of the horrible people in the past they might try and recreate.
    This reminds me of the movie "The Sixth Day' With Arnold Schwarzenegger (forgive any misspelling)


    Uh-oh...I think one of the posters on JWZone has given away too much about herself...
    Oh you mean that's not normal??????? :: NYMPHsis puts away her Star Trek Tape quietly::
    Does she even know what "nympho" means? LOL!

    And now, for the ultimate "quotable quotable" from that grand Mistress of Trekkie Dubdom herself, GrannyMoogie:
    I don't know about the rest of these people here......but I'm rather proud of our abnormality. That the attraction of the Zone for me.
    Does anyone else need a glass of water after all that laughter?

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • Quotes

    LOL at both the JWZONE posts, and SYN's insightful commentary!

    citroencephalitic "Johnny Lemonhead":
    Man, you're good SYN! You keep writing, and I'll keep reading!

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out: http://Quotes.JehovahsWitnesses.com

  • SYN

    What can I say, Trekkie Dubs are just so endlessly amusing! ROFL!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • betweenworlds

    What is REALLY funny and so very appropriate it that over there one of the ranks is "BORG DRONE" I kid you not!!


  • simwitness

    SYN -

    For starters, how do these Dubs justify themselves being on this site? Isn't it perfectly clear to them (as outlined in a recent Awake) that "Star Trek" is a show that deals with people living very far in the future, without religion, and is therefore automatically on the "banned viewing" list?

    Is this for real? Scan please!

  • invisible

    Oh my giddy aunt!! I'm quite literally holding my sides in stitches of laughter. Excellent and very funny post!!

    Celtic Mark

  • SYN

    SimWitness: Nope, but it's obvious from the show's content that it's unbecoming for servants of Jehovah to watch it, let alone base their avatars on a website on it's characters. Evil apostates, GRRR!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • zenpunk

    I couldn't believe this until I drifted around the site for myself! I can't stop laughing at it!

  • Xander

    Scan please

    Never in print, unfortunately. There was an Awake! once that was on the topic, though. I don't think they came right out and forbid SciFi, but they indicated VERY STRONGLY that SciFi was a waste of time, as it tended to promote unscriptural teachings like evolution and extraterrestrial life and that mankind had a hope for the future that didn't rely on god.

    Certain, the COs and DOs when visiting local congregations specifically forbade Star Trek and the like. Specifically mentioned 'Star Wars' several times, too. Not just the Sci-Fi lean, but 'why would you want to partake of entertainment that emphasizes 'wars' and spiritism?'. He went on to give some ridiculously out of context scenes from the movie - it was hopelessly obvious he had never seen any of them... [8>]

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • Dutchie

    Puff, I think these are the same people that run the PureLanguage site?

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