Disfellowshipping Child Abusers

by TheMatrix 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse


    Hey Matrix,according to WBTS repentant criminal sex offenders don`t get a permanent disfellowshipping.They get a little holiday,a time out where they can perfect the art of not getting caught the next time they molest a kid.Is this a fun game for you pediphile protecter?One day your going to run across a dad just like me,and the game won`t be fun anymore...OUTLAW

  • TheMatrix
    Hey Matrix,according to WBTS repentant criminal sex offenders don`t get a permanent disfellowshipping.

    This is very true, it is not a permanent disfellowshipping. But what can we do about it? What would you do if your an elder and part of that judicial committee that disfellowships the abuser? After a couple of years of being disfellowshipped he starts asking for reinstatement on a regular basis, now what do you do?

    Is this a fun game for you pediphile protecter?
    No, this is not a game. I don't think I said anywhere that I would protect a pedophile so your accusation here is unfounded.

    I am a dad myself and I would do anything to pretect my children. I think we agree there, right outlaw?

    If someone were to harm my children, Witness or no witness, I would tell the elders, I would call the police, and I would face the bastard myself.

  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    The WTS should get out of the business of being a police force. If someone is accused of child abuse then it should be reported to the authorities by the parents/guardians/victim or whoever is approriate. If the parents ask the elders for help, they should recommend going to the authorities.

    If the elders become aware of it first they should (a) inform the family affected and (b) inform the authorities. Even if the family wants to keep the situation quiet, citizens should report child molesters in the interest of everyone.

    If the molester is found guilty then the congregation should be made aware, publicly, that so and so is a convicted molester.

    Whether to DF or not should be based on whether the person is repentant or not. However, even if he/she is, it should still be a matter of public record that so and so in the congregation is a child molester. As families move into the congregation they should be made aware by the elders of who in the congregation could be a danger to their children.

    Of cousre, this doesn't cover all possibilities, but separating the legal from the spiritual is a critical step the WTS must take.


  • target

    When you first posted, you were very defensive of the organization and you had your blinders on tight. Now I see you are a Dad and you are asking questions. Because you love your kids and care about other children, you want to know the truth about this molestation issue. The more you find out, the more you will want to know and before you know it, the blinders are off.Then you will wonder how you ever could have been so blind. Been there, done that. You have started on an enlightening journey.


  • dungbeetle


    Wouldn't it be fair to disfellwoship the abuser aT LEAST AS LONG AS THE SURVIVOR?

    In the alternative, AT LEAST AS LONG AS THE ADVOCATES?

    Men and women that are survivors and advocates are still expelled/shunned while the abusers have been reinstated and are going door to door.

    I could learn to live with almost anything IF it was at least ALL ACROSS THE BOARD.


  • SYN

    The Matrix says: I would tell the elders, I would call the police, and I would face the bastard myself.

    Well then, if that does happen, you might want to consider drawing up a Letter of Disassociation, it'll save you all those pesky Judicial Committee meetings later. Don't want to bring reproach on Jehovah's name now!

    For your info, I would do the same things as you! Except I wouldn't approach the Elders The last time I "approached" an Elder, there was almost a fistfight!

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • SixofNine

    Dungbeetle said:

    Wouldn't it be fair to disfellwoship the abuser aT LEAST AS LONG AS THE SURVIVOR?

    In the alternative, AT LEAST AS LONG AS THE ADVOCATES?

    Actually, no. Now that you are apostate, you certainly have no right to go making up new rules for disfellowshipping. DFing is a uniquely witness thing (I know there are others, I'll have to find and kill anyone who feels the need to correct me on this), and based on bad interpretation of the scriptures, they have built this system. This bad, innefective system. Still, it is based on scripture, even if it goes way beyond. Their own rules only allow for DFing if a person is unrepentant.

    DFing has nothing to do with the severity of the crime, only with the spiritual attitude of the criminal.

    You can't make the WT society better by asking them to abuse abusive policies.

    In a way, by pushing for DFing of certain types of sex crimes, you are giving backhanded legitimacy to the JW judicial process as a bona fide means of dealing with the issue.

    The ugliness of seeing victims disfellowshipped while their victimizers go unspotted, is a completely seperate subset of this same issue. JW's wield the axe unjustly unfairly and unscripturally.

    Do you think you will fix that by asking them to use it MORE unscripturally?

  • Xandria

    If they d/f child abusers ... then they would lose half of the congregation. Then who would go door to door, pioneer and so on ??? The bottom line most dubs don't want to look at themselves as abusers. They don't want to take those blinders off.. b/c the truth is more painful than fiction.

    "Oh what a tangle web we weave, when we practice to decieve." Willie Shakespear

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