The Watchtower Writers Blame the Rank-and-File For Failed Prophecy, Why so Evil the Writers/

by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "The successor to Herbert Armstrong (The Worldwide Church of God) Joseph Tkach, Jr., made sweeping changes, perhaps more so than any other leader of a large-scale church movement in history. In part he said:

    'Our flawed doctrinal understanding clouded the plain gospel of Jesus Christ and led to a variety of wrong conclusions and unscriptural practices. We have much to repent of and apologize for. We were judgmental and self-righteous—condemning other Christians, calling them 'so-called Christians' and labeling them 'deceived' and 'instruments of Satan'.

    We imposed on our members a works-oriented approach to Christian living. We required adherence to burdensome regulations of the Old Testament code. We exercised a strongly legalistic approach to church government. Our former old covenant approach fostered attitudes of exclusivism and superiority rather than the new covenant teaching of brotherhood and unity. We overemphasized predictive prophecy and prophetic speculation, minimizing the true gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. We’ve been wrong.'

    Holy f**k.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Holy f**k is right.

    I'm glad that WT will never have the honor to man-up the way the WWCG did... because I'd immediately keel over dead from a heart attack.

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "I'm glad that WT will never have the honor to man-up the way the WWCG did..."

    Jeezus; that would (ironically) be like one of the Seven Signs of the Apocalpyse!

  • TTATTelder

    Same ole lawyering - P.R. - Spin - BS that you see by all multi-biilion dollar corporations and politicians.

    They make "admissions" to say they did - to create sound bites.

    For every scrubbed-up, carefully-worded, half-baked admission of anything wrong there are literally thousands upon thousands of "listen to us or God will kill you" statements. It's laughable when you consider the contradiction. You can probably find them in the same magazine. It's deceit of raw evil proportions.

    They will always make these printed statements in a vacuum. They will not allow questions, interviews, or requests for further clarification. And we know they do not allow disagreement to begin with.

    If they are willing to say they alone represent the voice of almighty God on earth and allow innocent believers to die believing them, they will certainly have the balls to make up a convenient definition of what false prophecy is and then say they do not meet the definition. That's child's play in comparison.


  • Phizzy

    Just back to the Thread Title, to say that when I was an active JW that really made me MAD, it wasn't ME that messed up with, "expectations"! it was those silly bastards in N.Y H.Q.

    I can remember Mrs Phizzy pointing this out too.

    Her brother left the religion over the 1975 debacle, as he said, they made him get on the Platform as an Elder and spout off about 1975, and then NEVER apologised, but blamed him ! *

    * I know there was a half-arsed apology given at a D.C in the early '80's, but this was reported only in a subsequent Yearbook, never in a W.T Mag or anywhere prominent.

    Compare that load of crap with the heartfelt and honest Apology from the WWC of God, and I know who I have more respect for.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Here's the closest WT ever came to an apology... 5 years too late and full of loaded language:.


    "With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of mans existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, There were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated....In saying anyone, the Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah's Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on that date. (Watchtower, March 15, 1980, p. 17-18)


    > "Considerable expectation": Yes. Created and promoted by Watchtower.

    > "Implied": No implications by WT ! Elaborate timelines, talks by F. Franz and other WT heavy-hitters, countless articles encouraging JWs to sell their homes and Pioneer, do not go to college, not enough time left in this system, etc.

    > "Apparently": well, when WT was hyping 1975, they had no problem with "apparently" and were, instead, fully supporting any JWs who were sacrificing all for WT- going so far as to praising such actions in the literature as a good example to follow. Only after the failure did definitely become "apparently".

    > "build-up of expectation": WT was building up expectation for 8 years prior to 1975 beginning with the Life Everlasting book in 1967. Again, since WT is the only entity that is allowed to formulate then publish its doctrines, then promote them, only WT is responsible for the failure, not the R&F JW.


    However, WT went on to criticize and condemn those JWs who left the Organization after the massive failure of 1975, saying they lacked faith. It also did not welcome back those it disfellowshipped for doubting that date and exposing WT's false prophecy thereafter.

    And, WT has, for all practical purpose, washed the 1975 date from its history. In the Proclaimers book under "notable dates", nothing is mentioned of the 1975/Armageddon failed prophecy nor of the huge loss of JW membership after that year as a result. An honest apology would certainly include at least acknowledging the failure and WT's culpability.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    before 1975:

    1968 "Just think, brothers, there are only about ninety months left before 6,000 years of mans existence on earth is completed... The majority of people living today will probably be alive when Armageddon breaks out, and there are no resurrection hopes for those who are destroyed then. So, now more than ever, it is vital not to ignore that spirit of wanting to do more." (Kingdom Ministry, March 1968, p. 4 [note: 1968 + 90 months = 1975])

    1974 "Yes, the end of this system is so very near! Is that not reason to increase our activity?...Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and propertyand planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world's end." (Kingdom Ministry, May 1974, p. 3)


    After 1975:

    1976: "It may be that some who have been serving God have planned their lives according to a mistaken view of just what was to happen on a certain date or in a certain year. They may have, for this reason, put off or neglected things that they otherwise would have cared for. But they have missed the point of the Bibles warnings concerning the end of this system of things, thinking that Bible chronology reveals the specific date." (Watchtower, July 15, 1976, p. 440)

    note that prior to 1975 the advice from WTS was to not marry, not get an education, not pursue a career, and it was commending JWs who were selling property etc. in order to pioneer in "the short time remaining" before the end.

    When 1975 failed, it now condemns those who "neglected things that they otherwise would have cared for" and who were focused on a "specific date".

  • TTATTelder

    adcms - good stuff - complete con-artist assholes


  • Ajax

    Wow adcmShirley-

    You're not 'just another pair of great legs' are you ?

    That was a well researched, logically explained, forcefully delivered, fact based, education on Watchtower Hypocrisy!

    We're all going to mark you as GOOD on all points, and look forward to your next spilling of WT beans. Thank you..

  • baldeagle

    Great points made with many references.

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