by You Know 97 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • simwitness
    Huh? I was mocking you. You are a bit slow on the up take I'd say.

    yet another fine example of the "fruits of the spirit".

    You're grasping at straws to prove your point, and failing at that.

    Xanders comment above is right on the money.

  • hillary_step


    I am continually amazed at the patience and fortitude that you show towards your opposers on this board, packed from end to end as it is with spiteful weasels and drunken whores.

    Time and again you seek to instruct and teach, seldom losing your objectivity and never losing faith in your calling, but nobody seems to understand. I truly admire your courage and single-mindedness.

    However, one thing that you may have overlooked, is that these apostate dogs do not have God's spirit, and as such how can you ever expect them to understand the subtle nuances of prophetic fulfillment and the deeper things of God, or even respond to the proclamations that the Spirit impels you to trumpet.

    Perhaps you might learn from the words of another misunderstood amateur prophet of his day, Joseph Sclerosis Rutherford when he uttered this compelling and piercing observation regarding apostates of his day :

    To understand the events concerning the Lord's second presence from 1874 to 1914 requires one to be spiritually-minded; and the clergy are not spiritually-minded" Joseph Rutherford, Creation (1927), p313.

    I wish you peace and great prophet - HS

  • ballistic

    You said "I am continually amazed at the patience and fortitude that you show towards your opposers on this board, packed from end to end as it is with spiteful weasels and drunken whores."

    Interesting where some would brand us apostates, you brand us "opposers of You Know".

    "Spiteful weasels and drunken whores".... er well you got me there.

  • logical

    BBC news = blatant propaganda

    if it was going to happen, it would happen with maximum coverups and no warning, like the WTC.

    I see you would rather listen to the world than the one who you claim is your master YK. Well, where will your worldly sources of "nutrition" be if what you wish upon the world and its innocent happens?

    Rather than continually proclaiming judgement, should you not be forgiving and praying that others will come to see the errors of their ways? Did you realise that so much pain and suffering could be avoided if people actually did turn from the bad they are plotting, and turn to JAH. Remember Ninevah.

    I still want to know where Christ taught conditional love, and to hate your enemies, to mock and riducule those who do the same to you, etc etc.

  • raven101
  • D8TA

    You Know? The way I see it, should Pakistan & India actually do use nuclear arsenal...it will not have an effect of causing this planet to chain react in to chaos.

    Think about this for a second:

    Do you think, the world community and governments, are going to be happy should these adversaries start a nuclear confrontation?

    1) China would be pissed. They don't want any radioactive fallout swinging their way. They aren't going to to take sides, they are going to be pissed at both countries.

    2) S.E. Asia and Australia would be pissed for same reason as above.

    3) Europe will be pissed, for same reason as above.

    4) North America will not condone such a course of action, and they will be pissed.

    5) South America will follow N. America's lead.

    6) There will be an outcry of support from various Islamic groups for Pakistan, but as a whole, I don't think neighboring countires are going to be happy should fallout enter their countries.

    So what do we have here? The whole world will be united and pissed off that Pakistan and India chose a selfish action, disregarding the global communities health and well being.

    So contrary to your thoery of madness and mayhem, I see unity as a greater possiblity.

    D8TA v2.0

  • SpiderMonkey

    (chuckle) If I had a link for this, I'd post it, but, You Know, you're not worth the time it'd take to find one (approximately 15 seconds).

    "TENSIONS EASING IN NUCLEAR NEIGHBORS' FACE-OFF": from the New York Times this weekend. It seems that Musharraf is making good on his promise to stop infiltration across Kashmir, and also is planning to dismantle terrorist training camps when he's politically able to do so. India calls this a "promising process," and for the first time acknowledges that Pakistan is taking real action to stop the Kashmir terrorism.

    d'OH!!! Another false prophecy down the tubes. Perhaps you should work with Israel/Palestine for a while, YK, maybe you'll have a better success rate (i.e. "there will be another suicide bombing!"... can't go wrong there, & maybe someone will be impressed for a change).


  • dubla

    Well, that's that I guess.

    yeah, i guess so............

    im sure this is very dissapointing news to yk, but he will (as 4horsemen said) quietly move on and wait for the next headline to manipulate.


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