Today's wt "study" obfuscations

by prologos 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    paragraph 9 : " Jesus blood validates the NEW COVENANT -- makes posiible the forgiveness sins FOR ALL TIME#.-- [and]--

    God COULD apply the value of Jesus' shed blood to Adams descendants--*

    --He COULD** also adopt certain --humans "as sons"--"

    # here wt admits that through the new covenant sin can be forgiven for all times, and

    * of course for all, by (the lamb that takes away the sin of the world) and

    **here comes the obfuscation:

    COULD adopt-exclusive sons, the anointed (sealed), the faithful slave class, now reduced to 7. From simple possible forgiveness for all, through a double COULD, it ends up as the --'we, the Kings to come' are the exclusive sin-less bunch, through the new covenant. see?

    from a deal about forgiveness for all, for all time, to

    exclusively US at the pinnacle.

    par. 11 : law covenant made obsolete by Jeremiah 31-- ? or fulfilled by Jesus?

    you probably have better examples?

  • stillin

    It just seems to me as though they are taking something simple and churning it around to be complicated and at the same time claiming sole understanding of it.

    I guess I'm simple-minded but it really falls into the "who cares?" category for me.

  • millie210

    Wow prologos a thread I wont have to have you explain to me while I remain obtuse (unfortunately) like our conversation on Terrys thread!

    I follow what you are saying and in fact ended up throwing the magazine down in disgust and going for more coffee.

    One thing though...

    why dont more people see this? Like the people sitting there covering it in the KHs paragraph by torturous paragraph?

  • leaving_quietly

    This article is FULL OF HOLES.

    I'll just mention a couple:

    Last sentence of par 5: "Consequently, God rejected that nation."

    This BLATANTLY contradicts what is written at Romans 11:1: "I ask, then, God did not reject his people, did he? By no means! For I too am an Israelite, of the offspring of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin."

    Par. 9 uses Romans 8:14-17 as it's main point. Verse 14 is key: "For all who are led by God’s spirit are indeed God’s sons." (Notice, it doesn't say, "all who are anointed by God's spirit". The Greek work for "led" is can also mean "guide". Do JWs believe they are "guided by" God's spirit? You bet they do.)

    Par. 16 refers to Rev. 5:9, 10 and Rev 7:4 to support the 144,000 doctrine.

    Rev 5:9 says: And they sing a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, for you were slaughtered and with your blood you bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,"

    Rev 7:4 says: And I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel

  • Oubliette

    This doesn't sound like obfuscation as much as it is just weak speculation cobbled together by a bunch of weasal words.

  • Crazyguy

    Hebrew chapter 9 says that the covenant is christs blood and with out it there is no forgiveness of sins, Jw's are told thier not in the new covenant so according to this scripture thier sins are not forgiven..

  • prologos

    oubliette, I wanted to show, that the way it is written, the use of words, connections, that unwanted conclusions are facilitated, hiding the fault of the wt doctrines.

    their not so hidden message is: Israel failed, but we 7 are the creme de la creme, the final dullfillment of all these covenants. and game is over, after us, Armageddon.soon--.

  • BluesBrother

    why dont more people see this? Like the people sitting there covering it in the KHs paragraph by torturous paragraph?

    At one time I would have loved this study , as does Sister Blues () I cannot speak for her but as for me, I thought it was brilliant because it was complicated. It gave us a chance to get our head around something "meaty" and that needed time to study up . Of course we never questioned the reasoning or conclusions, who were we to second guess the "Lord's Anointed"

    Above all it gave us a smug satisfaction that we knew something that "they" didn't. We were priviliged to learn "sacred secrets"and thought that "Jehovah's Organization " was wonderful!

  • Alive!

    Yes, once upon a time I would have loved this study - Dwelling on the "meatier" things.

    My feeling of humility to have such "sacred secrets" revealed to me - well, it's hard to put into words, but I know many of you will understand.

    Sheesh - what a total plonker!

  • hoser

    I sat through it today. I think a lot of the "deeper things" are just busywork. It takes time to try and understand this stuff and keeps the sheeples confused.

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