Is it worth it trying to wake up a friend and my parents?

by Mr. Self-Destruct 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Self-Destruct
    Mr. Self-Destruct

    My situation right now is trying that how my friend and parents that the JW's are not the true religion. I've shown numerous examples of flip flopped doctrine, false predicions, the validity of the Jesus choosing the bible students in 1919 and more. But it seems that although the recognize these mistakes they ask me, "aren't you happy the organization is making progress?" It's just so ridiculous that they try to justify these actions by calling it "new light" or saying things will become clearer at the last days. I know they're indoctrinated by how hard is it really to see what this isn't the truth???? It's so frustrating!

    But yeah, should I continue to try and wake them up?

    I'm only 17 so I live with my parents so it's not like I can avoid not talking about the Watchtower.

  • Blackfalcon98

    Hi, im in a similiar situation as you. No, scratch that....I am in the exact same situation. PM me anytime buddy. And I would recomend you try to let them see the human side of things before heavy handedly show the fallacies in doctrine.

  • XkhanX

    Congrats. You are so young yet you woke up. We spent 20 yrs in Borg and we woke at 39. It took us few years to join the dots to be fully awake.

    Lita not easy. It takes time n patience. Keep up the good work. Ask them if they love the real truth? Read Captives of concept book. It will help. Stay Awake!

  • happy@last

    They will only believe in what they want to believe. Hope one day they will question it for themselves. Debating doctrines doesn't normally work.

  • Mr. Self-Destruct
    Mr. Self-Destruct


    Yes I'm grateful I woke up at an early age. I've known TTATT since I was 14 but I didn't let it bother me cause I was told to ignore all anti watchtower literature and through this 3 years course, I got baptized (biggest mistake of my life!!) but yeah now I'm sort of trapped and I'll try not to get Df'ed before anytime soon because my life will go downhill since I'm not prepared to be on my own yet.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't tell them anything they shouldn't already know.

    Don't show them anything they shouldn't already know.

    Don't show them sources they won't/don't trust.

    Show them their own literatrash and ask them to explain it.

    Ask them questions.

    Don't answer their questions unless it suits your purposes.

    Don't accept diversions.

    Give them guilt trips for any devious tactics or bullying they try on you. Double standards are fair game here.

    Ask questions to highlight dishonesty and double standards, so that they are defending their actoins, and you are not you defending your statements.

  • smiddy

    Mr S.D.

    Welcome to the board , use the search option at the top of this page for any question you may have about any subject , I`m sure you will find any answer you may be looking for .

    To wake up to TTATT at your age is a blessing .

    Just take it slow and easy , use the WT tactics you were taught to use on householders , dont give them too much information at once , just drop a seed of (real) truth here and their and let it grow . And dont be discouraged if they dont respond in the short term , it can be a long drawn out process , sometimes with no results.

    And please dont expose yourself for a JC to come after you. , be as cautious as a serpent , to use their terminology .

    Good luck and take care.



    For now, just keep learning TTATT for yourself, but resist the urge to try to debate with your parents. While you are under their roof you may need to just go along with things as they are until you can move out and support yourself. Just do as few JW related activities as possible. Develop outside interests and make non-JW friends. You will have plenty of time in the future to try to wake your parents up. Now just isn't the right time, in my opinion. I wish you the best.

  • Hortensia

    We know you're a smart kid -- only someone smart could wake up to the truth about the wtbts at such an early age! Use those smarts in your favor, make a plan of what you want your life to be. When you have some sort of goal, make a list of steps it will take to get there, and then find ways to start working on those steps. For instance, even if it's difficult, find a way to go to college/university. Make some outside friends. Don't make stupid decisions like getting hooked on drugs/alcohol or getting pregnant/getting someone else pregnant (don't know if you're a young man/woman). Be ready to run your own life when you are legally old enough to do so. Save some money, learn some kind of job skill.

    Sorry, old woman here, can't resist preaching!

  • goingthruthemotions

    Don't....before you do anything. read Steve Hassan, contact him. the cult mode will come out, things will be worse.

    listen to this video:

    it's 16 parts....from 9 to 16 is an interview with steve hassan. great info....your family is brainwashed.

    don't jump....this will take time.


    remember: it's a freaking cult.


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