Hebrews 10:25

by millie210 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • whathappened

    Love these lines of reasoning!

  • Godsendconspirator

    Dale that is a good retort. It's something I always tried to tell the witnesses when I see them. the conversation always goes:

    JW: "Hey, how are you? we miss you."
    Me: "You can text me. We should hang out sometime."

    They never do.

  • blondie

    Originally the only meetings that were held were studies in home groups of Russell's books.==book studies

    No WT studies, no study articles, no questions


    Much later testimony meetings

    service meetings much later after that

    and no weekly public talks because too few qualified speakers until the school started

    no scriptural basis for any of those.

  • Oubliette

    Godsendconspirator, actually this is a great strategy for faders. Whenever anyone tries to pressure you to return to the meetings, simply invite them out socially for a cup of coffee or lunch or whatever.

    Very, very few will take you up on the offer if you're not regularly attending meetings. It will make your fade go much more smoothly and more quickly.

  • millie210

    Thank you all for being so responsive to my question.

    Since you have all tried so hard to help, I wanted to share a little more about my friend - this may have a good outcome yet....

    She left her husband (elder) after 20 years of pioneering. She just walked out the door. She said "I am fried."

    There was a small attempt to reason with her followed by the inevitable disfellowshipping.

    In that time she met and married a wordly man who is really good for her and to her. She has been reinstated but is kind of cringing around the edges as there is still a lot of judgement towards her.

    I think she wants out but believes it is the "truth" and so she is miserable.

    The deeper I get in to the fading process my "friends" are dropping away but she hangs right in there. Never pushy. Accepts everything I state as to where I am right now.

    Our association is mostly a lunch here and there.

    I have hopes for her of breaking free even though it can be a long hard process.

    I like the lines of reasoning.

    Your thoughts will be ones that I can use to help her.

    So you have all done a lot of good on this cold rainy December morning.

    I appreciate you doing so much work for me Oubliette - you are

    Also thanks for the links Leaving Quietly and Blondie. I am going to read them now.

  • hoser

    I am surprised that they never changed the wording for the new new world translation to "do not miss the meetings".

    The way to reason on this scripture is the word forsake. Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together. The word forsake means to abandon completely. So if a person goes to say half the meetings has he forsaken the gathering of yourselves together. No.

    This scripture would apply if a person never, ever went to a meeting.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    In order to even qualify, KH meetings should be "encouraging one another". I found the JW meetings to be depressing and boring.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great Thread! Excellent reasoning points that I will save for later!

    Thanks for starting it Millie210.

    (what part of the world are you in may I ask?)

  • millie210

    You certainly may stuckinarut!

    I am in the southern U.S. near Atlanta Ga.

  • stuckinarut2

    Thanks Millie

    I was trying to work it out because you said "on this cold rainy december MORNING"

    It is morning in Australia now (and cold and wet today here too suprisingly)...

    Just thought you might have been over this part of the world....

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