Do you think the GB ever mentions these abuse cases directly?

by thedepressedsoul 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • flipper

    THEDEPRESSEDSOUL- Good thread, thanks for posting it. Most JW's when they SEE any news of WT Society child abuse scandals will say that Satan has control of the media and he's using it to allegedly " persecute " and say " negative " things against the organization. I had a former friend- a JW I knew back in 2007 tell me this very thing when I told him about JW child abuse in the news back then. JW's are mind controlled and CONDITIONED to see ANY negative things talked about the WT Society as an alleged " injustice " or persecution. It's really dangerous and creepy that WT leaders have pre-conditioned JW's to LOSE any semblance of humanity or empathy towards victims of crimes like child abuse. But what I'm saying is reality. I've seen this attitude within JW's. I've actually heard of and known JW's who will turn their heads when a WT child abuse victim grows into their early 20's and commits suicide- yet the JW's around the incident blame not the child molester or the WT Society- but blame the victim for NOT being " spiritual " and accuse them of being weak. It's disgusting how calloused the WT Society causes it's JW members to become.

    So- no, in answer to your question , the GB will NEVER own up to or admit fault to these child abuse cases as they MUST appear infallible and in control over the 8 million masses of JW's. They are an evil leadership with criminal intentions to amass money at the expense of showing true compassion or morality towards child abuse victims. And WT leaders INDOCTRINATE that same attitude into their mind controlled followers. And THAT is what makes this whole situation more dangerous than most people realize. We are talking " Jim Jones " influence here

  • cultBgone

    They are an evil leadership with criminal intentions to amass money at the expense of showing true compassion or morality towards child abuse victims. And WT leaders INDOCTRINATE that same attitude into their mind controlled followers. And THAT is what makes this whole situation more dangerous than most people realize. We are talking " Jim Jones " influence here.

    Sadly, Flipper, you are absolutely right about this.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a harmless preaching organization. They have ABSOLUTE authority in the minds of their followers and their followers would follow them to the gates of hell, if they believed it existed.

  • Vidiot

    cultBgone - "Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT a harmless preaching organization. They have ABSOLUTE authority in the minds of their followers and their followers would follow them to the gates of hell, if they believed it existed."

    And if anyone doubts this, imagine if the WTS were placed in charge of a small or mid-sized country.

    I guarantee you that transparency and the democratic process would be virtually nonexistent; creationism would be mandated in schools; "worldy" holidays and non-approved sex acts would be criminalized; DFed people would be stripped of citizenship and/or imprisoned/deported; and "apostates" would be sentenced to death without possibility of appeal or reprieve.

    Basically, theonomy; the goal of religious far-Right-wingers writ small (realizing this helped motivate my fade, I might add).

    Anyone who denies this is naive, IMO.

  • DNCall

    Didn't refer to the Conti case directly when it announced the jury award and appeal? This would tantamount to the GB mentioning the case because the GB cannot, at this point in time, distance itself from

  • johnamos

    When are y’all going to ever wake up and start blaming the parents of the children that have been abused??? They are the ones that are responsible for their own children, not some elder in their congregation or the GB up in NY.

    There is plenty to say about the WTS/GB that is well warranted… I for one despise them (GB), the org as a whole, and those that follow them/it as their golden calf. You will get NO argument from me there, but when it comes to the policies of the WTS in regards to child abuse, there is nothing wrong with them as far as they pertain to a religious institution, which the WTS is.

    It should be of no surprise that they are going to view and handle things based on what their understanding of the bible is (rather it is the correct understanding or if it is the incorrect understanding, it doesn’t matter either way here in regards to.) so policies such as two witnesses and reporting to the law where the law requires such, etc… is following the bible and the laws of the land.

    It all comes down to the parents…

    1 st don’t allow your child to be in a position to be alone with the individuals in which these incidents take place. (Parents make that effort when their children are older and dating making sure they always have chaperons so they don’t fornicate before getting married.)

    2 nd make sure to teach your child to come to you and tell you right away if they are ever touched, etc… in anyway that falls under being sexually abused… and then it is the parents responsibility from that moment on to go straight to the police and report it… CASE CLOSED.

    There is nothing wrong with the following:

    If the parent went straight to the elders instead of the police then that parent should be charged right along with the molester. It is the parents that are aiding in covering up these incidents, not the elders, nor the WTS/GB. It does not matter if we feel the policies of the WTS are lacking or not, their policies have no bearing on the parent taken the actions that many here claim the elders and WTS should take.

  • StarTrekAngel


    First of all let me make it clear to you and everyone else that I do not, I repeat, I do not agree with your stand. However, it does prove me right in the sense that I have made the comment in other threads about people like you. Regardless of wether the source of your thinking is indoctrination or total carelessnes, the fact is that this happens folks. I leave in a very conservative community and most people, JW or not, have this very similar reaction to cases like this. Wether they happen inside or outside any religion. Where were the parents?? Backgrounds and etnical upbringing bring different situations to the table. You can not combat this plague with a one-size-fits-all approach.

    I don't deny your sincere question Johnamos, but one thing we all need to come to realize is that there is no excuse for such criminal act. The blame on the WTS is not as if parents think that they are responsible for their children, but rather that their policies allow for this to continue to happen and to go unreported. The policies are not correct. I read them and at first view they seem to make sense. However, the WTS has grown extremely legalistic and walks on eggshels when it comes to putting together policies. True, they do not interefere with whomever wants to report the case to the police, but they never assure that if you do, you won't have consequences within the cong. They do say they report it where required. But they don't tell you that they will only report on confirmed cases (under the two witness rule) that they have themselves investigated. If they can't confirm that the party is truly guilty, the won't report. If you do then, you will be judged for accusing your innocent brother in false testimony.

    You forget that while child abuse is horrendous regardless and no parent can ever imagine being blamed for this, there is also the trust factor that goes into place first. Usually the perpetrators of child abuse are not doing so by force. They earn the trust of the vitctim. In this case, the entire doctrinal make up of the religion makes and earn the trust of the parents as well. Worst in the case of single parents. So while I do understand the general perception of many, that the parents are the most responsible, many are ignoring the above facts. There has been cases of child abuse in my own family, perpetrated by the very same relatives you entrust them to when you have an emergency, or carried out by slightly older cousins, parents of friends they go to play with, or the like. Children get abused by people they trust!!! get it? Parents should be able to count with peolpe they trust as well. IF they are not worthy of trust, then no one should stand on the way of our common abillity to show them for who they are....

    Go to your favorite coffee shop and sip some while you think about this.

  • johnamos

    The blame on the WTS is not as if parents think that they are responsible for their children, but rather that their policies allow for this to continue to happen and to go unreported.

    You can rant and rave that it is because of the policies as to the reason why it continues to go unreported, but I tell that if it is not reported it is because the parents did not report it at the time they became aware, and if it continues to go unreported, then its because the parents continue not to do so.

    True, they do not interefere with whomever wants to report the case to the police, but they never assure that if you do, you won't have consequences within the cong.

    Your statement makes my argument… this shows that the parents can go to the police and report it from the get go, if that was what took place to begin with then it would never be an issue as to the elders reporting it or policies of the WTS.

    As far as the second part of that statement having to do with “consequences within the cong” again this still falls on the parents. A good parent says, “screw whatever so-called consequences within the cong may be, my child comes first” and a bad parent says “screw my child, the congregation comes first.”

  • Legacy


    Remember the Zone Talk...didn't one of the brothers say Teach & Preach to your own children. Your children's life... physical, mental & spiritual belong to their parent(s). In a way they were saying...Take care of your own children. Many of the parent(s) send their kids to sit with a sister or a brother, now the impression would be...ah....she or he likes you so much....they want to sit with you...but the real reason....the parents want a break. Some even send their children to sit with another sister, just because she may not have kids of her own, so it's a pity thing. You know, she has no kids....etc. When many come into the hall, we love bomb'em...& they look at us as babysitters....I remember growing parents, were very very careful of who I stayed with, even if they were family members.

    I don't think they will ever mention it directly, but they'll come up with a WT article on it in the future...

    The real question JW's should ask themselves is....Did the brothers tell the parents not to tell the police...oh, sure, the parents should have done it the other way...go to the police first then the elders. If the elders told them not to go to the that's a different story & that's is what needs to be addressed. But the friends are afraid of that answer....that's a crime in itself.


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