Encounter with JWs on Literature Cart , strange happening -maybe ?

by jhine 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • jhine

    Yesterday I had a conversation with a man and lady who were with a literature Cart in our local town centre . Among other things discussed was the accuracy of the NWT , which I said wasn't very accurate.

    The man , of course , led the discussion from the JW perspective and looked up on his phone some quotes from "experts " endorsing the translation . He asked the lady to make note of the names , at my request, so that I could check these quotes later . Well of course on closer inspection these endorsments are mis-quotes or partial quotes or from people who do not know what they are talking about .

    However when I looked at the piece of paper that she had written on , a small piece torn out of a notebook , I thought that someone had been bored and doodled on the top line two very simple matchstick men , but something about the doodles bugged me and put me in mind of a religous symbol that I had seen somewhere . I googled this and the two drawings are like an Ankh Cross or because the round bit at the top was round not so elongated like a Crux Ansata or Coptic Cross .

    Now I am well aware that I am very probably doing 2+ 2= 76 and the drawings were matchstick men doodled by a bored JW who had largely been ignored all day . I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts at all on this . I had made my opinions of the Watchtower very clear and there had been a lively discussion about the "Should You Believe In The Trinity " booklet and it's accuracy and other topics .

    Am I imagining something not there ? It is bugging me .


  • fulltimestudent

    Spirit guided doodling - smile!

  • happy@last

    Maybe it's a hidden message that she needs to be saved

  • Phizzy

    When you think what the Ankh is a symbol of, she is showing what her main problem is.

  • millie210

    The Ankh is a rustic symbol not an intricate one.

    That would be necessary given its age and the carving skills of the ancients.

    I can see how it would resemble a crude stick man with no deeper meaning,

    But good catch on your part! You are obviously very observant!

  • jhine

    Phizzy , the Coptic Cross was adopted by Christians , according to Google at least . Yes guys , I know I sound off my rocker . I was aware of that as I was typing . It was just that I had daft thoughts like maybe the lady actually comes onto this forum and may have realised by the conversation that I do too . Is that scenario beyond the realms of possibility ?


  • zeb

    Phizzy: Correct!

  • Tenacious

    Are you sure it wasn't the start of a square box? She may have started drawing the new JW logo and then got distracted by something.

    Just saying.

  • BluesBrother

    I would bet that you are more aware of the Crux Ansata or Coptic Cross than 999 out of a 1000 dubs these days. it is not covered in the "Bible Teach Book".

    I think your first impression, that it was a doodle, is almost certainly correct.

  • Terry

    Today's JW's seem to "know" nothing.

    They are empty vessels.

    Without a publication nearby they are but the sound of wind blowing through an empty cave.

    Jesus directed his disciples to carry nothing with them, not even a bag.

    I assume the disciples knew something when asked.

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