New Monthly Report Suggestion!

by The Searcher 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    As "Morpheus" alluded to, Ray Franz, in CoC, made the comment that the most important aspects of being a Christian (i.e. charity, taking care of orphans and widows, etc.) cannot be counted on a Field Service time slip; and WT has absolutely no interest in those things.

    A JW man can be a good father, loving husband, and show tremendous love by way of charitable works toward his fellow JWs...but if he is a "low hour" publisher the elders will view him as substandard, weak- useless to the Org.

    However, if some JW douchbag (read: elder or elder wannabe) is a complete dick but gets 15 hours a month in f.s., he's viewed as an "exemplary" JW and a man (using the term loosely) worth emulating and moving up the coroporate ladder via more "privileges" and meaningless titles.

    As usual, WTs priorities are completely backwards.

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