Good Morning! I'm visiting you today to share good news!

by Zoos 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity

    Zoos enjoy every second of your freedom!

    It takes guts to go against the tide ... wt has

    weighted the odds for their side by snatching

    our families, holding our own 'children' that we

    bore & raised ......for their own controlling

    & punishing purposes! Screw watchtower!

    Wage war, by first of all, actually enjoying

    a normal life!..............


  • Godsendconspirator

    Sounds like a great weekend ^_^

  • hoser

    I will not be:

    putting on a suit and tie

    going to the meeting or field serve-us

    i will be:

    working overtime for a large sum of money because contrary to what will be taught at the kingdumb hall today, I will grow old in "this system of things" and I will need real money to retire on when I am too old to earn it anymore.

  • Quarterback

    Well, I don't have a Scooter, Zoos.

    But I will be getting out of bed, going to a group. After the group arrangement, visiting this poor chap at the hospital who is dying.

    After that depressing hour that can't be counted for FS ( but I don't care) I shall get a nice Starbucks, Bold coffee.

    Then I will visit some RV's that are not home, again.

    I think your good news is much more fun


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