JW Elder Responds to Dateline

by Kay Francis 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    I sent out notices to many individuals stating that they should watch Dateline and do some further investigation after watching it. Here's one of the responses I received:

    After watching the Dateline show, there really is no need for any "investigation". As a mature Christian elder, I find it very obvious the reasons why what has transpired has happened with these former Witnesses who were interviewed. It is also abundantly clear why the Society responded to the news show in the manner that they did. Those individuals views and concerns should be discussed and handled within the framework of Jehovah's organizational arrangement as opposed to a national television debate or forum. Therefore, having viewed the show, there is again, no need for further investigation on any individual other than those involved in the matters part.

  • mpatrick

    Some people can't see beyond the Watchtower blinders to even begin to think for themselves.

  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis

    If you want to respond to the elders comments you can do so at:

    [email protected]

  • ozziepost

    He refers to himself as a "mature Christian elder"?

    Not so humble.

    Are these the exact words used by an elder?


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • Kay Francis
    Kay Francis


    Those were his EXACT words. I took it right out of the email.

  • Scully

    What I find laughable about the elder's statement is that Erica and her family DID initially go through the 'proper channels' according to the WTS. They DID report the REPEATED incidents to the elders, both in California and Washington states. They DID "leave it in Jehovah's hands" for YEARS and YEARS.

    I wonder what the "mature Christian elder" who wrote that to you would do if he ever had to deal with hearing a daughter of his say "Daddy, Brother So-and-So touched me under my panties."

    Love, Scully

  • JT

    so what was a mature Christian elder doing watching and listening to a program full of apostates

    you got to love it

    my boy INVOKED HIS TITLE sorta like the other religions that they dog

    he showed his collar like a priest or something

  • nonentity


    Good point. In this case I think "mature" is a synonym for "rotten."


  • stocwach

    I just emailed this elder. His comments disgust me.

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    this info reached me by a friend from TN:
    Good Morning, well for me anyway. It looks like yesterdays shows
    created a stir at the local JW congregation, because already at 5 am
    this morning lights were on and cars in the parking lot and they're
    still there it's 10 am now.

    Winchester was stired up - I guess others too?

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