Note this statement on "One member of the GB of JWs repeated the well-known saying: 'To know where we are going...

by AndersonsInfo2 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    All JWs should be required to read Russell's Studies in the Scriptures. I wish I would have read them as a kid. Then I really would have known that this organization started out crazy and had covered itself with decades of more false prophecies.
  • truthseeker100

    I wish I would have read them as a kid.

    Billy that's true, but reading them as a young boy when the whole world was outside for discovery and having very little experience at anything, reading "studies in the scriptures" seemed pretty boring after a few minutes. I just wanted to go outside and tear up the ground.LOL 

    I am in my fifties now and you would have to hold me at gun point to make me read it.

  • steve2
    The saying 'To know where we're going, we have to know where we've been' is a worldly one beloved of historians. Nice to see the organization pilfering it for its own self-aggrandizement. Typically, its use is a call for people to look attentively and sensibly at the course to date, to take stock and on that basis not repeat the mistakes that are uncovered. It would ve absolutely stunning if the organization took such sn zpproach to its own history - but I won't hold my breath. This looks very much like a sanitized, simplified overview of their history; glossy, self-congratulatory and avoiding any smidgen of facing up to the Watchtower's corrupt history.
  • smiddy

    "To know where we are going is to know where we have come from "

    What better place to do that , than on this site , an invitation to all jehovahs witnesses .

    " Come all ye who are searching for the truth about the truth , come take all the information you can absorb , the TATT is absolutely free , come quickly ."


  • smiddy

    The truth is they came from christendom and are still part of christendom .

    1 . They accept the 66 books of the bible that was determined by apostate christendom as the authentic word of GOD centuries after the Apostles left the earthly scene.

    2 . They adopted the name jehovah as their GOD that was invented by a thirteenth century Catholic monk who added vowels to the mis- translated hebrew tetra grammaton as JHVH ( more likely YHWH according to the Aid book printed by the WTB&TS first edition )

    3 . In the Kingdom Interlinear of the Christian Greek Scriptures published by the WTB&TS  the tetragrammaton does not appear in this word for word translation , so the name jehovah has no right to appear in the new testament.

    And despite what JW`s / G.B. members  say ,  christendom has been using the name jehovah since the thirteenth century .

    If only the average JW did their own research instead of relying on big brother to do it all for them.


  • sparrowdown
    @smiddy - "big brother"? Don't you mean Big Mutha.
  • Blackfalcon98
    I recall an elder once warning me against reading older publications. Now I understand his concerns.
  • Slave4_38y
    I have a copy of the 1955 autobiography of "Faith on the March" by A.H. Macmillan, covering the history of the Borg. I had a good chuckle when I read the incarcerated bro's swapping Christmas presents for cigarettes during their "stay" there after WWI. 
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Due to our absenteeism from the KH and our zero Witnessing, an Elder's wife and an older sister (both Pioneers) called on us yesterday.

    The subject of this old system "ending soon" raised its ugly head, and when the older one casually mentioned 1975 and dismissed it as "brothers had wrong expectations", I informed them that Russell promised 1914 would be the end, Rutherford promised that 1925 would bring the resurrection, and that we were all taught that the end would come before people living circa 1900-1914 died off - as well as reminding them that Jesus stated categorically that the end would come "at a time when his followers didn't think it would come".

    These two "spiritual stalwarts of the congregation" were visibly troubled by what they were hearing and came out with "off the top of their head" reasonings to try and counter solid facts and truth!

    Poor souls1

  • Pistoff


    In the JW world I grew up in, it was considered derogatory to be called a JW, now it is embraced.

    Or be called 'a Jehovah's witness'; it was 'ONE of Jehovah's Witnesses'.

    More importantly, it was a JW world where having an organ transplant was a disfellowshipping offense.

    My mother could not get re-married, as a homosexual affair is what broke up my parent's marriage; at the time, 'porneia' was viewed as sex only between a man and woman, and so she was not free to remarry. By the time they changed their mind about it, she was no longer interested in being married.

    The Awake confidently told me that I would never finish a four year degree (Awake, 1969), much less have a career in this old system.

    I am now approaching retirement.

    That is where I came from; I know where I am going too, and it is not the Kingdom Hall.

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