What's Your Definition of TTATT ?

by Pete Zahut 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    I need to explain this to someone later and need a concice way of putting it. f you had to give a "in a nutshell" definition of TTATT, what would you say or what main points would you use to define it ?

    ( Thanks in advance for your help )

  • Londo111

    TTATT = The Truth about the Truth = Jehovah's Witnesses are not the one true religion, the Watchtower never had divine appointment or authority.

  • zeb

    That the wts spends its resources defending paedophiles within its ranks. There is now case apon case apon case.This practice alone proves they are not a godly directed group.

    The wts 'flip-flops'on doctrines. Proving there is no divine guidance unless god makes a lot of mistakes. (Check the site; watchtower flip flops)

  • Oubliette

    My Definition of TTATT: Realizing that the WTBTS are not what they pretend to be. It is an organization run my hypocrites and liars that only want your money and your blind obedience. God ain't got nothin' to do with it.

    There are a lot of other details, but they all support my thesis.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • aintenoughwiskey

    The ability to consider opinions and information not controlled or provided by the watchtower corporation.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Some people say things changed forever once they learnend TTATT. For instance some say it was when they found out about the Watchtower/UN affiliation. Other's say it was when they learned about Beth Sarim or about the Gay former GB member(s). If you were to make a list of the top three disillusioning things you found out about the religion you once thought of as "The Truth",what would they be?

  • AudeSapere

    I was a walk-away believer. I believed that the JWs had the truth but they had strayed and would eventually get back on track. Until that happened, I could not participate with them. To sit in my seat at the Kingdom Hall was to be complicit with things I knew were happening that were not kind, Christian, or legal.

    After 13 years of near-complete inactivity, I found JWD (now known as JWN). The 3 most impactful 'truths' I learned here taught me that the WTS / JW organization is not what it purports to be. Crisis of Conscience convinced me.

    My 3 'Truths' that led to my spiritual freedom were:

    1. UN/NGO

    2. Mexico/Malawi

    3. 607/587 (??)


    UN/NGO was secret, unnecessary, 10-year affiliation with the Wild Beast.

    Mexico/Malawi seemed to smack of racist disregard.

    607 cannot be proved by either the bible or by secular history. Without 607, the 1914 doctrine fails. Without 1914, the FDS is not god-appointed.


    With those three 'truths', the entire house of cards fell for me.

    That's my personal 'Truth About the Truth' - in a nutshell.


  • under the radar
    under the radar

    If you boil it down to its essence, you're left with: The Truthâ„¢ is not.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    I know it's supposed to be - the truth about the "truth" - but every time I see it I think - the "truth" aint the truth. Weird role reversal on which truth ends up with the scare quotes.

    I also like the latter because it better sums up my feelings about it. The so called "truth" isn't true at all. It's a lie being regurgitated by self-righteous men with no introspective or meta-cognitive abilities. People just stroking their own ego for finding a way to feel superior to everyone else.

  • Godsendconspirator

    It's just 12 guys in brooklyn making up rules for their own benefit. There are a couple hundred thousands deaths, sex scandals, testimonies to prove this if you would take the time to listen (which active JW's would never do).

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