Anthony Morris III - example to the flock - example to the elders

by LogCon 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LogCon

    1 Peter 5:3 ' ....not lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock...'

    I find it curious that so many are offended at the comments used by Anthony Morris III.

    When he publicly states that colourful socks, tight pants and Spanx are not part of a Christians life, he is teaching a lesson. The lesson for the flock is not to wear colourful socks, tight pants and Spanx.


    the lesson to all the congregation elders is to ensure that these lessons are DRIVEN HOME in their respective congregations. They should be constantly reminding the flock to refrain from colourful socks, tight pants and Spanx. Perhaps a 'local needs' part could be prepared, with display boards on the platform, showing the congregation examples of colourful socks, tight pants and Spanx. The parents could be advised that some of this may not be suitable for their children and may want to send them to the library, back room or even to their cars in the parking lot while the program continues. After each subject is discussed, for example the socks, the brother handling the part could finish with the suggestion that if certain ones don't like it they can 'take it up with God'.

    It absolutely stuns me that so many do not understand that Anthony Morris III is showing them how to teach the deep spiritual things. This is 'meat in due season'.

  • Smiles

    If the average elder walked onto the platform and said the bullshot AM3 says, that elder would get himself deleted.

  • millie210

    this raises a good point I hadnt thought of...

    I wonder how elders feel about this talk he gave?

    Any elders here that can comment on that?


    He is a prime example of what happens when you are accountable to no one.


  • stuckinarut2

    Spot on!

    If anyone else said those sort of things they would be hung!


    I'd say one excellent use for the dresded colorful socks would be to stuff one in Tony the Turd's pie-hole. Did he ever give an exact REASON for colorful socks being in his mind 'un-Christian'???? I guess in some future talk he will suggest that all Witnesses dress in Mao-style identical uniforms so as to achieve 'unity' in the congregations.

  • LogCon

    stuckinarut2 said '....If anyone else said those sort of things they would be hung!'

    Of course you mean that their image would be hung on a wall, in a tasteful frame, as someone who is to be emulated.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    One's being hanged, however, would be another matter altogether.

  • frankiespeakin

    M C Hammer fighting the Gay fashion trends (Less Eye Candy):

  • berrygerry

    If anyone else said those sort of things they would be hung!

    This tight pants thing is really affecting people.

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