Who Was Jesus and what it means to Believe.

by objectivetruth 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    People like the writer of the O.P do not seem to get that we can be good people, leading fulfilling happy lives and bringing joy and comfort to others, without imitating some guy from 2,000 years ago who we know nothing definite about.

    There is another thread on here about a Strip Cartoon about religion, the Cartoon ends up by asking, Does your religion make you happy ? does it make you a better person ? etc, it says if it does, then carry on with your religion, but just keep it to your f***ing self.

    Good advice.

  • objectivetruth

    Edenone - Thank you for the Advice, and for taking time to,articulate your thoughts.

    Much of what you say about the New Testament, I Either agree with, or I'm "undecided" on. With that being said, the intention of my post was not Religous in Nature.

    Punkofnice - Grasped my point perfectly, he said "I am not sure if Jesus actually existed or was just a philosopher of his time but I do go along with the above."

    I will rephrase my point... Many people are concerned with Who Jesus was, who he is, what he did, what he did not do.. It's a real shame that so little thought is given to "how he Lived", and how he treated people.

    The reason I quoted Gandhis "Truth is one, paths are many." Is that Truth is Humility & Love.. It is not Doctrine and Theology.

  • designs

    If Truth is not doctrine and Theology then why Jesus say- 'I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me'. He doesn't sound like he's singing a Gandhi Kumbaya many paths here.

  • objectivetruth

    Designs - I assume that you feel Matthew 7:1 is hypocritical, since it is Jesus that is said to Judge in the Future?

    I do not feel that it is Hypocritical, since Jesus did not Judge anyone during his life..

    John 3:17 "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him."

    John 8:15 " You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one."

  • objectivetruth

    I am The Way - My Example is the Way To Live.

    The Truth - By Imitating my Example, you will find Truth.

    The Life - By finding Truth you will gain Life.

    It is not different then when, The Israelites were Commiting all kinds of Sins, and they were turning to religion (in the Form of Rituals and Animal sacrifice) in order to feel better about their sinful ways.

    God told them the Truth " Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." - Isaiah 1:17

    "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." Gandhi (They Taught the same Truth)

    “Your beliefs become your thoughts,
    Your thoughts become your words,
    Your words become your actions,
    Your actions become your habits,
    Your habits become your values,
    Your values become your destiny.”

  • Laika

    Truth is important, of course, but I've decided I prefer beauty. It's easier to spot as well.

    "beauty will save the world" - fyodor dostoevsky

  • objectivetruth

    " Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • designs

    Oh but Jesus did judge others, he cursed the Rabbis of his day and the Jewish population.

  • fulltimestudent

    I feel rather sorry for the Jesus described in the NT. He was clearly deluded, imagining that he was the long-promised deliverer of 'Israel'. Yet 'Israel' continued to be dominated by Rome and the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed and replaced by a pagan temple.

    And, his promise that people of his generation would see his return failed, just like the modern JW promises.

  • cofty

    You are referring to the Jesus of popular mythology not the Jesus of the gospels.

    He was not worthy of imitation.

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