canadian zone meeting

by booby 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • booby

    is there going to be one?

  • nowwhat?

    Yes. Hey you hosers, whats with these colorful stocking caps?! You canadian bethelites coming in late and leaving early to eat donuts and drink beer. Is that powder sugar on your hands?! You know homosexuals love to see you in hockey gear.

  • booby

    Okay, So for the Canuck's it will be a "zoned out" meeting.

  • leaving_quietly

    Isn't Canada part of the US Branch Territory? I thought it was, but I could be mistaken.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    The "zone" is all north America......but I guess canda was left out of this one....aye?

  • Quarterback

    Canadians were left out of this one because,

    Anthony can't speak french. We gave up our colour socks when we saw that Rob Ford wore them. Canadians will fight for our rights to be late. Our kids get married before they come of age to qualify to become a MS.

  • prologos

    that visit could be more profound than the US do. perhaps Sanderson, who pioneered in Canda and had a French speaking mother, and francophone David Splane, with his penchant to go out on doctrinal limbs*, would be featured, dry, and less entertaining than anTony.

    *limbs that could grow to become main branches on the convoluted overlapping maze that is the WT growth. " ideas that we love!"

  • notsurewheretogo

    I wonder if we in Scotland would get a zone visit would our kilts be too tight? Or my sporran? And I'm certainly not wearing any "spanx" under it that's for sure! :)

  • Quarterback

    If there was a Branch/Zone visit in Scotland NSWT, They would probably ask you,

    Why is your service time wee bit during the month, and your beer mugs, frigging huge?

    Why do you come to the meetings a wee bit late, and your colourful socks under your kilts are friggin huge?

    Why is Johnny Boy so concerned about those pipes a piping, when he should be thinkin about some Field Service.?

  • prologos

    You Scots are like the Quebecois in Canada*, rejected independance in a vote. You missed it, jws, you should have voted yes!, oui!, you would have had your own bethel, own number in the count of branches, zone visits and perhaps "go commando"# under your plaid skirts GB comments.

    #so to make sure of your gender. Freedom under the kilts does not translate to total independance.

    we can hear your accents.

    *this is a Canada thread after all, including NOVA Scotia.

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