New pick-up lines for non Ministerial Servants

by Quarterback 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    "Wanna come back to mine and help me do mimes to the Kingdom Melodies?

    I'm up to Stay Awake, Stand Firm, Grow Mighty!"

    ROFLOL . . . "stand firm, grow mighty!" . . . for some reason I just got this picture in my head of a Viagra commercial where a JW pops a viagra pill and he looks down and starts singing the chorus . . . LOL . . . "stay awake, stand firm, grow mighty!" . . . ROFLOL!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    5: I notice that you wear spandex pants. Mind if I try to get into them?

  • Jay Elle
    Jay Elle

    How about a weak sister walking up to a non MS brother and saying

    "So I heard you were dumped yesterday. Can I buy you a beer?"

  • Quarterback

    Another line,

    Will you accept this rose? What do you mean, "i'm not a MS?" Stand aside there are 19 more sisters waitin inline for this rose.

  • MissFit

    Sir 86 : 😄😅😂 ." Yo, honey, check these bad boys out - I'm a metro-socks-ual".😆😅😂lol

  • stuckinarut2

    Stay awake grow firm and be mighty!


    love it!

    how about "myriads of brothers"? (Ms only of course!)

  • 3rdgen

    Sir82, LOL

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