US Zone visit: disappointing, depressing, discouraging

by sir82 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    Well according to ToMo3, the "jehovah he knows" will never disappoint!

    He will indeed smite all tight pants wearing 23 yr old non servant brothers and spanx wearing girls , oh and inactive ones...

    yes...he will never disappoint.....hmmm...

  • Enzo

    I have heard the entire talk, and what impressed me, is that he didn't use any reference of the WT, or literature, to prove that what he was saying whas also approved by the other members of the GB.... This is very strange.. In a recent meeting with elders, and MS, it was told to us to use the Bible, and the latest WT references, when giving advice in talks.. the CO said to us that there were adifferent speakers using the platform in promoting their own opinions.. Strange that they have now A member of the Governing body Anthony Morris who is not doing it like they are telling the elders, and MS, to do..

    I am still figure it out, where there is a reference in the Watch Tower..that It is preferable to marry a MS for a sister.. I have no found it.. Merely a personal opinion.. Anthony Morris is a real living legend ..

  • blondie

    Good comment, Enzo.

  • Heartofaboy

    Sir82, I've been churning the reports of what was said at the zone visit over in my head, over & over & over.

    I knew how I felt about the Governing Body's lack of sprituallity & the beatings they dealt out but you have put into words my feelings & it is such a relief to see it put so succinctly.

    Thank you so much.


  • Enzo

    Thank you blondie,

    If a lot of publishers in the US, will ask to their elders, or to their local branch the references about issues he mentioned.. I think they have a serious problem.. This reminds my of Fred Franz talks about the statements of 1975, in a zone visit, and then being corrected by the other members of the GB, in being more prudent in making some statements.. I am very curious, of those opinions told by Morrison, will pass to the differenr Commitees, and get approved as publishing material to study.. I will wait and see...

  • blondie

    *** w01 5/15 pp. 18-19 pars. 8-9 Divine Guidance for Selecting a Marriage Mate ***

    Admittedly, mutual attraction helps to solidify a marriage. But values held in common are even more important for a marital union to endure and to produce happiness. Mutual devotion to Jehovah God fashions a lasting bond and promotes unity in a way that no other factor does. (Ecclesiastes 4:12) When a Christian couple center their lives on the true worship of Jehovah, they are united spiritually, mentally, and morally. They study God’s Word together. They pray together, and that unifies their hearts. They accompany each other to Christian meetings and work together in the field ministry. All of this helps to forge a spiritual bond that draws them closer to each other. Even more important, it results in Jehovah’s blessing.

    ------------no mention of being an MS, is the following a hint, is it talking about selecting a husband or describing an already married man?

    *** w99 2/15 pp. 6-7 What Is Needed for a Successful Marriage? ***

    What kind of reputation does he have?—Philippians 2:19-22.

    Proverbs 31:23 describes a husband who is “known in the gates, when he sits down with the older men of the land.” The older men of the city sat at the city gates to render judgment. So, evidently, he had a position of public trust. The way a man is viewed by others tells something about his reputation. If applicable, consider also the way he is viewed by those under his authority. This may indicate how you, as his mate, will in time come to view him.—Compare 1 Samuel 25:3, 23-25.

  • Enzo

    Excellent research blondie.. Mille grazie..

    but there are no written statements that it has to be a MS, only that he has indeed be responsible, good spiritual qualities, in cultivating the fruits of the spirit, more important than a title or status..I can tell this from my experience trough the years in the organisation..

    and I can tell you, there are several brothers, who has so nice qualities, but are being overlooked, because there are elders that always find a point they have to work on.. They have passed the age of 23 years.. I think Morris is not being very honest, in this particular issue, and very opinionated.. If I was present there, I would present hem this arguments, and then I wouls like to see his face.. Once I did it with a DO, and he never gave me a hand, and when he was out of our District.. I received an appointmen again.., and I married I am still married, but others, who looked at titels or status, like Morris is telling. A lot of them are divorced, or have serious problems, or are not realy very happy.. Thus Morrison is not very honest, he is telling one part of the story..but the other part, well he will not tell.. But experienced brothers and sisters, are not stupid anymore..

  • punkofnice

    Sadly, most JWs will be oblivious to the crud AM3 vomits unless it's written in the watchtower(tm) and even then most won't read it.

    Unless this shittake is put on TV.JW and piped into the KHs they will be pootling on 'business as usual'.

  • millie210

    I heard of one Hall where some young wives and some young single brothers approached the elders right after this meeting.

    The wives wanted to know if their husbands could be MS's

    The young men wanted to throw their hat in the ring to apply (tongue in cheek here)

    I bet the elders LOVED that!

    (awkward much?)

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Well all I can tell you about the MS bullshit is that from personal experience even that often isnt good enough, nope they want elders for husbands.

    When I was reaching out for several years (7 to be exact!) to become an MS again in my 30s it turned out I was blocked by the PO year after year after year because of a personal grudge he had for me. So much for gods spirit and all that other crap we were spoon fed.

    A good summary Sir82!

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