Millerites, Jehovahs Witnesses and Purple Triangles

by Simon 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KiddingMe

    Marking for later

  • OrphanCrow

    "Rebel, I am not sure which account is historically accurate When I found the photo, I thought the dress was more reminiscent of late 1800s fashion. I thought it possible that the photo was taken in 1874 - the 'first'Russell rapture."

    Look at his face - he was not that old in '74. The picture is taken on his Middle East trip way later.

    Okay. That makes sense. I will go with the photo's accuracy over the Watchtower account.

    So that means that my inherent distrust of the Watchtower's revisionist history is, yet again, proven to be right.

    I was trying to give the Society the benefit of a doubt....

  • Vidiot

    Balaamsass2 - "Polite Canadian conspiracy."

    Of course it's polite. That's why it'll succeed.

    Our secret? Hockey.

    It's the outlet that makes Canadian niceness possible.

  • AlphaMan

    If you can't get the video he is talking about William Miller's "Great Disapointment" of 1844.

    They were so sure the end was coming on a specific day one man threw himself from a barn roof on the stroke of midnight fully expecting to be caught away with the lord.

    Sounds like the man who jumped didn't account for the cosmic equvilent of Daylight Savings Time. LOL

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