NATO/Russia pact-WTS prophecies fail again........

by ISP 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    The WTS made many prophetic statements regarding Russia and NATO/US/UK. Below is an example. The WTS has realized that since the disbanding of the Warsaw Pact that the prophecies had to be incorrect. It must now be the ultimate irony that Russia has entered a partnership with NATO with the prospect of closer ties in the future.

    *** w81 7/15 6-7 The Power Struggle-What Outcome? ***
    Since the modern “king of the north” is the Communist bloc, led by the Soviet Union, the “king of the south” can be none other than the rival non-Communist bloc, under the leadership of the United States. Concerning these “kings,” the prophecy of Daniel goes on to say: “And in the time of the end the king of the south will engage with him [the king of the north] in a pushing.”—Dan. 11:40.
    The postwar “pushing” by the “king of the south” had a relatively mild start, in 1947, with the “Truman Doctrine” of “containment.” This was followed up, in 1949, by the creation of NATO and, later, other regional mutual defense organizations. The “pushing” became tougher at the time of the second Vietnam war. But this conflict and its negative outcome for the West seemed to back up the case of the “doves”—those in the U.S. and among its allies who favor a conciliatory attitude toward the Soviet bloc.
    However, recent political events seem to indicate that the “doves” are at present being outflown by the “hawks”—those who favor a tougher attitude toward the Communist bloc. The “pushing” by the “king of the south” against the “king of the north” seems to be intensifying. Interestingly, Anglo-American solidarity in this “pushing” was confirmed by the following news report: “Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who shares Mr. Reagan’s distrust of the Kremlin, was the only NATO alliance leader to underwrite his position publicly. She said Thursday night [January 29, 1981] that there was no sign of Soviet interest in genuine detente.” (International Herald Tribune, January 31, 1981) Just how far the “king of the south” will go in his “pushing” is something that will be interesting to watch in the days ahead.
    Not unnaturally, the “king of the north,” now represented by the Communist bloc, reacts to this “pushing.” This also was foretold in the prophecy of Daniel, chapter 11. Let us read on:
    “And against him [the king of the south] the king of the north will storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships; and he will certainly enter into the lands and flood over and pass through. . . . And he will keep thrusting out his hand against the lands; . . . And he will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver.”—Dan. 11:40-43.
    Soviet reactions to the tough line recently adopted by the “king of the south” show that the “king of the north” does not intend to be ridden over roughshod. Since World War II, the Soviet Union has been “thrusting out his hand” to grab control over various “lands” and “hidden treasures,” including oil.
    The challenge to the West has also been ideological, since many Third World post-colonial governments have adopted Marxist policies. Such developments have facilitated the penetration of Soviet influence into Asia, the Middle East, Africa and even the Americas. Additionally, the “king of the north” has had notable success in supporting Communist-led insurrections, enabling him to “enter into the lands” affected thereby with his ideology and military and technical aid.
    With over four million persons under arms in the U.S.S.R. and eastern Europe, as well as 50,000 tanks, 5,775 warplanes, 289 major combat surface ships and at least 257 submarines, the “king of the north” certainly has the wherewithal to “storm with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships . . . and flood over and pass through.”
    According to reports, Soviet troops already are present in Afghanistan, Cuba, Ethiopia, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Vietnam, Syria and South Yemen, not to speak of military advisers in many other lands. Soviet warships are plying all the strategic oceans and seas, including the Mediterranean. The extent to which the Communist “king of the north” will unleash these forces and “enter” other “lands” is something the future alone will tell.
    Whatever the extent of the “pushing” by the “king of the south” may be, and whether the “king of the north” literally ‘floods over’ by invading other lands or not, one thing is certain: According to Daniel’s prophecy, neither “king” will achieve a decisive victory over the other. Concerning the “king of the north,” the prophecy states: “He will have to come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him.” (Dan. 11:45) Moreover, a parallel prophecy says of the Anglo-American World Power, also pictured by the “king of the south,” that “it will be without hand that he will be broken.”—Dan. 8:25.
    How will these “kings” come to their end “without hand” and with “no helper”? Their end will not come about by human means. Daniel’s prophecy continues: “And during that time Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your [Daniel’s and therefore Jehovah’s] people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time.” (Dan. 12:1) Michael is none other than Jehovah’s appointed King Jesus Christ. (Compare Revelation 12:7-10.) The “time of distress” is the “great tribulation” mentioned in Jesus’ own prophecy about the “conclusion of the system of things” and his “presence” in his kingdom.—Matt. 24:3, 21; Luke chap. 21.
    The present-day fulfillment of these prophecies shows that we are now living at the “time of the end.” Soon Christ will bring to an end the Communist “king of the north” and the non-Communist “king of the south.” Indeed, the enthroned King Jesus Christ will “strike” them and all other political nations with a “sharp long sword,” and “he will shepherd them with a rod of iron.” (Rev. 19:11-21) Yet another dramatic prophecy in the book of Daniel will thus complete its fulfillment, for we read: “And in the days of those kings [political powers] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite.”—Dan. 2:34, 35, 44.
    That kingdom will usher in lasting peace on earth in a righteous new order. (2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1-5) In it there will be no more oppressive political “kings.” This is the very “kingdom” for which you have prayed if you have been saying the “Lord’s Prayer.” (Matt. 6:9, 10) It is mankind’s only hope. Jehovah’s Witnesses will be happy to help you to make this hope your own.

    Notice the comments by the ‘Anglo-American’ world power.
    Blair Hails Nato-Russia Pact
    PM Tony Blair has hailed closer security ties between Nato and Russia - and says a new pact is a "great sign of optimism".A revised Russia-Nato council is being finalised at a summit in Rome, attended by 20 world leaders.
    The historic move will allow Russia to join Nato's decision-making process, and help unite efforts in the global fight against terrorism.
    US President George W Bush said the deal offered "the prospect of a more hopeful century" and would not distract from Nato's core aims.
    Addressing the summit, Mr Blair welcomed the deal as an "important and historic event".
    "The reality that exists is that America, Europe and Russia share many of the same challenges and goals today," he said.
    "The British people do not fear the Russian people. Both the British and Russian people fear the malice of mass terrorism."
    He said the a warmer relationship would help replace "disorder and chaos with order and stability".

    The PM said Russia would be an "equal partner" in the Nato-Russia council, and that some attitudes and mindsets would have to change to make the new relationship succeed.
    Mr Bush said: "Nothing we do will subtract from Nato's core mission.
    "As our trust and track record of success grows, so will the depth and breadth of our work together.
    "The joint council offers Russia the opportunity to form an alliance with the alliance."
    'New future'
    The move comes more than 50 years after Nato was created at the start of the Cold War.
    Nato secretary general Lord Robertson said the new accord was a significant contribution to enhancing global security.
    He said the plan represented a "new future" for the former rivals, and that the relationship between the two blocs had changed on September 11 "quite dramatically".
    Bush Hails Nato-Russia Pact
    US President George W Bush has hailed closer ties between Nato and Russia - and says a new pact "offers the prospect of a more hopeful century".A revised Russia-Nato council is being finalised at a summit in Rome, attended by 20 world leaders.
    The move will allow Russia to join Nato's decision-making process, and help unite efforts in the global fight against terrorism.
    Addressing the summit, Mr Bush said: "Nothing we do will subtract from Nato's core mission.
    "As our trust and track record of success grows, so will the depth and breadth of our work together.
    "The joint council offers Russia the opportunity to form an alliance with the alliance."
    The move comes more than 50 years after NATO was created at the start of the Cold War.
    'New future'
    NATO secretary general Lord Robertson said the new accord was a significant contribution to enhancing global security.
    He said the plan represented a "new future" for the former rivals, and that the relationship between the two blocs had changed on September 11 "quite dramatically".
    It then became obvious that there was a common enemy which posed a common threat, he said.
    "That catalyst of September 11 has driven East and West together," Lord Robertson added.

  • Simon

    You could prophecy more accurately by pinning ideas on a board and throwing darts !

  • Elsewhere

    What is sad is that I heard my mom ask: "Now that the Soviet Union is dead, I wonder who the next King of the North will be?"

    She just doesn't get it! The WTS presented a FALSE PROPHESY, not only that, they said that it was GOD's prophesy from the bible. [8>][8>]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    I just mentioned this on another thread - I think it is very, very sad.
    I asked a relative who the WT now thought the King of the North was.
    After a week of research he came back and said that they didn't know who he was at the moment.

    Why can't the average JW see that what the WT says is just guess work.
    How can they put their lives on the line over a blood doctrine that could be changed at any time ?

  • JT

    jw wait with Baited breath for NEW LIGHT

    it is so sad-

    how many times did we go to the DC saying

    I wonder will there be any NEW INFORMATION

    IT JUST NEVER registered that we were being HOODWINKED AND BAMBOOZLED.

    it almost hurt to think that many of us including myself for years responded just like the post have mentioned about thier family when asked about the current king of the north


    USING normal logic and reasoning one would quickly conclude that the boys in writing have no idea of what they speak- yet to the mindset of a person who is part of a high control group
    LOGIC AND REASON have been replaced with do as you are told and think what we tell you to think, ask no questions and you will be just fine

    for me sometime when i stand back and see where i used to be it is almost frightening to think that wt could have issue a KILL THE APOSTATE ORDER IN THE JAN 15, 2002 WT and some of the 6mill jw would have carried it out

    that scares the shit out of me

  • ISP

    This is so funny really. The article is headed 'The Power Struggle-What Outcome?' The 'outcome' hardly ended in death and destruction per WTS prophet wannabees. In fact the two powers end up very much like buddies! You could hardly get it more wrong if you tried!!!



    so, if daniel 11:40 says "in the time of the end" and now there is no "king of the north" i guess we are not in the time of the end. it's funny because i mention this to jw's who say how close we are to the end. "where's the king of the north?"...just like "where's the beef?" hahaha.

  • ThiChi


    Good point. Never thought about it this way......Glad your posting here....


    let's take it a little further....michael stands up for his people after the king of the north turns on them.....oops no king of the north....darn! iv'e actually heard murmurings from jw's about islamic fundies being the new king of the could happen..someday. but then again monkeys COULD someday fly out of my ass too!

  • Carmel

    When labor pains begin, is it the "time of the end" or the "time of the beginning"?

    Both would be accurate!


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