"Jehovah is really blessing our family! Thanks for your visit"

by stuckinarut2 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Thanks STUCK.

    I hope your strategy works. Now that I'm in my new cong and doing absolutely nothing except attending the occasional meeting as a front for relatives, I'm expecting the local Glorious Ones to instigate a little inquiry into the new sheep who ain't following the others under their control.

    P.S. I will nip it in the bud if they even try to hound or pressure me! These people are nothing to me. They've got as much influence or control on my life as the local supermarket shelf-stackers - probably less!!

  • Blackfalcon98

    Stuck, I thought you were a servant! How were you 'slacking off'? Was it that obvious???

  • stuckinarut2

    Yep, still a servant...

    But they must be able to see my change in mentality.

    I have noticed that I have not been assigned a part for several months now (apart from a bible highlights)

    They have said "you always answered every meeting...we noticed your silence" ( i just said "most points are covered...and the conductor can never see me at the sound controls")

    piztjw and searcher, great points!

    I will just keep using the line "we should always see the good in our flock, not look for supposed shortcomings. If we are critical of fellow appointed men, then what hope have the flock got of being tended to gently?"

  • Blackfalcon98

    I remember doing sound......what a JOB!!! Yea, since joining here I've grown silent. KM for this week will be interesting though!


    The ONLY way out is to doubt. Repeat after me: If you want to get out, you gotta have a doubt! If you want to get out, you gotta have a doubt!!

    Here is why I say that. If you say, " Jeehoober is blessing my family.", you are leaving an opening for the Elders. They will still believe that they can help you and SAVE you. You have said something positive in the minds of the Eldubs.

    The message that needs to be sent is," You have no answers and you cannot help me in any way, because YOU don't even know what you believe!!" This can be done without getting DF'd. It's all in the delivery. This is how you do it.

    1) Know more about the WTBTS and the Bible than the Eldubs.

    2) Present your doubts in a respectful/bewildered manner. You are simply a confused sheeple.

    3) Have all your information from the WTBTS printed out. ALWAYS refer to the WTBTS's own literature.

    4) Always come back to the criteria for truth. NEVER concede that a false/inaccurate teaching was truth. This is the most important thing to repeat over and over in a confused and humble manner. I call it the "Columbo" method.

    What will happen is that eventually, even the most egotistical Eldub will realize that you are someone they can't and don't want to help. They will NEVER admit it, but they will KNOW it. The Columbo method causes Cognitive Dissonance in the minds of the Eldubs. It may only register in the sub-conscious mind, but it will happen.

    Think of it this way. How could a lowly R&F know that long standing "truths" like the domestic teaching and the identity of the FDS, were wrong? Only the FDS can interpret the Bible right?!?! When YOU know more than them, YOU MAKE AN IMPACT IN THEIR PSYCHE. After all, they are Dukes and Stars, Shepherds of your soul, but they were blind-sided by all the nu-light. How could you know anything they don't?!

    You won't convert anyone, but you will stimulate whatever doubts the Eldubs may secretly harbor in their hearts. Cognitive Dissonance is painful. Speaking to you causes Cognitive Dissonance and frustration. The Eldubs have personal lives and problems of their own. As the Org gets wackier and more controlling, especially if Pedo cases come to light, they will have other things to worry about than your doubts.

    As long as you are calm, respectful and make it clear that you are "waiting on Jehovah", they won't view you as a threat. You will just be an anomaly, that is better off avoided. Really, isn't that what you want?


  • Balaamsass2

    Asking Elders about THEIR kids,Families and for Money...WORKS. I know...it used to send me down the road FAST. LOL

    We had a few elderly sisters who when you asked "How are you doing" would give you an HONEST answer. YIKES. That meant whoever drew the short straw on the "shepherding " call better show up in jeans, a full set of tools and CASH for supplies at the hardware store.

    Being considered "inactive" has had an extra side benefit. Even though I would still chop wood or fix things for any of these elderly JWs they will have nothing to do with me! lol

  • kairos

    Part of me wants to think it would fun to be in your spot.

    Totally aware, messing with people who don't even notice and planning some epic exit.

    No, nevermind...

    Get out!!

  • steve2

    Some responses are clearly more effective than others in heading off being hounded. Saying that Jehovah is blessing your family sounds way better than a number of other replies you could dream up. Ulitmately, though, all you are doing is reducing the likelihood of further hounding. As long as the power balance remains in your calm hands, you can eventually cut the apron string when you're ready.

  • krejames

    Avoid the elders. Just don't be available. I had an elder stop me in the street once for a chit chat ;) and then he got to the point - the other elders had told him he was more likely to see me than the others were and so they asked him to arrange a time when two of them could come around. I just said I'm really busy at the moment so I'll get in touch when I can make some time spare. He kept labouring the point - but we'd really like to see you etc - I just kept repeating exactly the same phrase. He eventually got the message. I haven't heard from any of them since.

  • Balaamsass2

    Third Gen has been using this "Friendly" technique for the last few months when running into JWs at the Grocery store and at Costco etc. Works like a charm. When approached with a big smile, hug, and "Couldn't be better" many JWs jaws drop open. They have been programed to believe if they quit life will go to Sh### . It visibly shakes them up to see you HAPPY and RELAXED.

    If you tell them you have been BLESSED they nearly short circuit. Once you ask about their ner-do -well relative (or a local Hall scandal). "How Isssss So and So doing? They can't remember their name almost. She comes home laughing from some of these incidents now.

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