The WT as a bureacracy

by jgnat 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    Here's a quote from a Health Care change agent, which I think suits the WTS very well.

    No matter how innovative or entrepreneurial a firm might have been at its start, once it is has been in existence for some time and has an established place in the social economy, its goal in life is to persist. It leaves the world of innovation, often loses its purpose, and exists solely to exist, i.e., to cover its costs. Often this is a reflection of the corporate hierarchy, where, sadly, leaders lose their sense of providing true value to their customers, intent instead on aggrandizing their own position and preserving their status. The firm no longer reflects the creativity of risk-taking, becoming a bureaucratic shell of its former glory.No matter how innovative or entrepreneurial a firm might have been at its start, once it is has been in existence for some time and has an established place in the social economy, its goal in life is to persist. It leaves the world of innovation, often loses its purpose, and exists solely to exist, i.e., to cover its costs. Often this is a reflection of the corporate hierarchy, where, sadly, leaders lose their sense of providing true value to their customers, intent instead on aggrandizing their own position and preserving their status. The firm no longer reflects the creativity of risk-taking, becoming a bureaucratic shell of its former glory.

    What do you think? Does the present behavior of the Governing Body better match the executive of any large corporation, or a group of divinely appointed, particularly compassionate and anointed leadership?

  • insearchoftruth

    I would agree the GB and the WTS are acting in survival mode, what needs to be done to continue to be an ongoing concern.

  • littlerockguy

    Sounds like the United States Federal Government.


  • StarTrekAngel

    Very much so... Its human nature. We crave certainty and harmony. Remember that is the root that gives existance to cognitive dissonance. That is why, after such process unfold, a CEO confronted with low profits or low growth, would rather cut out jobs than lower his salary. When he started the company he was more than willing to put up his own money to further the investment. Generically speaking that is.

  • jgnat

    I would go farther, STAngel, and suggest that corporate bodies all on their own strive continued all costs. It explains obsolete departments, government, and all sorts of deadwood.

    I suggest also that the higher up in the organization, the more out of touch they are. We can see on the front lines where there is stupidity, inefficiency, but the guys at the top are incapable of dealing with that sort of detail. Easier and faster just to cut.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Just visited my cousin in Brooklyn Bethe construction officel. He's pretty important on the building projects in NYC and New Jersey. He has his own office and all. He was really complaining to me about the recent increase in the number of "overseers" being assigned to oversee each other. He said that it's getting ridiculous how many layers of "overseers" are now appointed. I guess they need to put the old DO's to work. Theocratic bureaucracy at it's finest.

    just saying


  • jgnat

    Overseers, are they salaried? Or have they taken that poverty vow?

  • Ocean1111

    That pretty much nails the Bethel condition.

    In the case of Autodesk or Microsoft, whose founders were eventually extricated (or vacated voluntarily), by the "lawyers" and "directors" as the scale of the enterprise surpasses the wildest dreams and intellectual scope of its founders, the enterprise is absorbed by a larger entity recognizing the market value. In Google, Microsoft and Autodesk today they acquired much of their core functionality in applications and technology from third party specialized developers, so the absorption process is typical in the business.

    Now with Bethel, imo, there really is no one interested in "acquiring" their spiritual "technology", but for "chop shop" acquisition to convert it into a non-ministerial liquidation. Eventually if something truly no longer works (like Bethel) in the essence of its original "mission", the natural market forces will replace it, and Bethel is just a fractal in a larger failure of the whole mainstream Christian ministry which is converted to other uses as we speak. Bethel's conversion is one of the latest, but it is leaning to massive failure by prophetic misapplication come the time, and imo it will be simultaneous, for asset liquidation. Meaning as Bethel is going down, their engineered "prophecy" will also fail, but that takes time to realize. And that time lag in perception aids the liquidation.

    Handily Bethel has prepared its own deconstruction as a non-charitable, all-for-profit racket under a religious veneer to the tune of multi billions in assets, by actually "organizing" its criminal racketeering methods as written policy and actions of the corporation. Meaning Bethel's crimes are REAL, and are documented in their own corporate policies. By this kind of perfect set-up the national powers can LEGALLY deconstruct the Bethel corporation at global scale on that hard asset end, when those days come, and come they will.

    To aid the process now, Bethel can align a few hundred million in the hedges now, for liquidation now, because by "then" that money will be gone, and in retrospect it leaves the moment it entered the hedges and other forms of orchestrated risky investment, which Bethel, imo, is now more than dabbling in. Working in unison the front (hedges, risk) and back end (national litigations) of the asset base can thus be liquidated, where the meat of the operation goes into the hedges, and they can bet in the derivatives on Bethel's downfall, and like AIG make out like bandits two times over.

    Various scraps are left over for the national powers to legally "swoop in" on. Like the Kingdom Halls and various lower scale properties.

    Then they can sell the litigations and actual justice coming on their own system for literal criminal activity globally, as if it is "persecution for the truth". And they can misapply prepared "prophecy", also nicely set-up for such effect, to give the impression of their corporate martyrdom for other as if honorable reasons. Thus Jehovah's witnesses will and are fooled on both realities; they think Bethel is approved by God, not a criminal racket, and they have allowed the arrangement of their own theology to create a "self fulfilling prophecy" where JWs EXPECT this "attack" and that is well ironed into the JW psyche now.

    Thus, imo, the whole set-up is for Bethel's liquidation to be undetected as long as possible, and not into "the end" point of the cycle, but its start point, that the rest of the global cycle will run its course, but JWs will for years not understand prophetic misapplication and premature expectation is what has allowed the hoax on them, IN THEIR OWN HEADS, to be as successful as it will be, imo. IMO, it is all a smokescreen for global liquidation of Bethel billions, and to align JWs to aid the process because they perceive something else entirely in the process, and to delay the realization of the real reality AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.

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