Steven Lett Governing body tells his Grandfather beaten for playing loud Rutherford records....Why??

by Witness 007 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Joliette
    I dont believe it, I think its made up.
  • cyberjesus
    I think if you stand out side bethel with a speaker and play the same record out loud... They will come and punch you in the face too.
  • dropoffyourkeylee
    Seems like Rutherford was deliberately provocative and almost wanted the JWs to get arrested.
  • steve2

    Seems like Rutherford was deliberately provocative and almost wanted the JWs to get arrested.

    They were deliberately provocative and yes, they not only got noticed but were also often on the receiving end of all manner of abuse, both verbal and physical. You could say that, in the style of true martyrs, they relished the abuse as much as the attention.

    That has long since changed, but it is dragged out every now and then as a stirring recollection, as a way to get applause and heighten the sense of being special.

    Nowadays, the literature carts are staffed by bored bodies, distractedly hooked on iphones and gaining little attention and no abuse from passersby.

    By the JW's own line of argmuent, we are that much more closer to the end - yet the literature carts and their staff let out not a squeak. So what gives? If you listen very, very carefully you can hear it, the unmistakable sound of an organization on the curling edge of a slowly dying faith that refuses to see reason.

  • Vidiot

    fiddler - "Apparently the average person of the 1930's to 1940's also found it offensive... it appealed to whom?"

    Just your average, everyday theofascists...

  • sparrowdown

    Yep, JW hypocrisy at it's best.

    Try going up to a JW on a cart and asking them to watch a video on your phone about the Australian Royal Commission and see what happens.

    Comes under the heading of How to get a JW to punch you in the face and smash your phone.

  • Finkelstein

    Most likely an embellished story, we all know how JWS like to hear them being persecuted.

    It creates a semblance of viability about themselves.

    We are getting persecuted , this means for sure we are true Christians preaching the word.

    So bullshit a little and spice it up.

    Its true that the JWs got persecuted a bit more in the past but then again they were also bit more obnoxious

    like placarding Churches or in a truck with a loud speaker blaring about a up and coming Assembly or Talk.

    Or going door to door with a record player blaring with one of Rutherford's the End of the World is coming speeches.

  • JWdaughter
    I figured there was a baby woken up from a nap and a sleep deprived papa frustrated that some knucklehead thought he needed to advertise the fuhrers messages at top volume, when he thought the message was stupid at a normal volume.

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